I usually am regretful of posting views, because they are only views from my opinion. Not saying that companies didn’t create the company. Ford created Ford. But let’s say he didn’t. People would still be buying other cars, or in this case other things because cars were expensive. No Toyota, same thing, Nissan and all other makers would get the customers, and they would hire more people to make more cars. Id have to stick with no, the company owners don’t create jobs, customers do. Company owners are in it to increase their bank accounts. Give a tax break to Bezos, he doesn’t hire more people with the money. He hires people based on customers buying. He already has the money to hire all he wants. I think it’s a myth about who the job creators are, promoted by the ones wanting to change who really creates jobs. Gives company owners way too much credit, the words job creators. All the money to cause hiring really comes from people, average people, buying. No buying, layoffs. Give the middle class money, more jobs result. I have to stick with that for now.
The ones that support supply side economics, and those who use it as justification for tax breaks. Another view to it is the claim that too high taxes with cause companies to cut production. When the truth is that more earnings taxed at a higher rate is still more earnings in the bank. Even if a company owner does limit output to avoid higher taxes, some other company will expand or come into being to take up that slack,
I am glad you posted your views. They are interesting and well thought out for the most part. It is interesting and enjoyable to hear others views. It would be a very boring world if everyone thought the same way.
I do recall a documentary decades ago on Ford, Ford motorcar'. Apparently they were groundbreaking by being the first car company to pay the employees enough to buy one of the cars they were building; Then the invention of the assembly line; apparently it really snowballed from there... Chicken or the egg question now.. Where do customers come from, where do they get their money? If not a business owner, they are hired and for wages to be sufficient so must profit/sales directed by business owners; employees wise enough to know their value force increased wages for themselves(or given by aware business owners/managers to keep them).. Arguably today everything is screwed up with a fraction of the populations income/work actually producing anything other than paper-cuts. When will the pyramid scheme crumble?