I just removed both driver side doors on my daughter's 2013 Prius C. Getting the doors off was quite simple as I expected. Then, as I expected the wires needed to be dealt with. For the rear door, the plug was right by the boot and wasn't too hard to remove (1-2 minutes). I wasn't able to see the plug for the front door. Rather than cutting up my hand feeling around inside the door or removing trim from the interior I chose to ask the experts here on this forum where the plug is.
Maybe this video will help: I’m no expert but removing the interior door trim is pretty easy. I did it once to replace a speaker with no problem.
Pulling off the door panel is not hard and I know how to do this. I disconnected the entire door from the frame as I need to replace the front door. There is a wire harness that goes from the door into the interior of the car. I wanted to know if the plug to disconnect this harness was inside the door panel or behind the kick panel. I picked up the replacement door and know see that the I need to disconnect the harness from inside the car and not the door panel. Thanks!