Which side of the alt fake news is that .... right or left .... as Within 1 minute anybody can pull up the reporting from both "sides" Why a lot of people are moving out of California New York, California exodus continues, but ‘catastrophic effect’ of Biden economy may be on the way: experts Of course in California population losses may be less noticable - with the 100s of thousands coming up from Baja And the freeway congestion is probably just in One Direction getting the heck out of Dodge Californians working from home are moving to Mexico amid inflation Only extremist leaving? Is that what they're called in San francisco? https://reformcalifornia.org/news/heres-a-list-of-companies-fleeing-san-francisco-and-why Between robberies and sidewalks filled with needles & human feces ...go figure. .
The statistics have cali at a population loss for the first time in forever. Im gonna guess this is because of the high cost of living and draconian liberal laws that allow for crime, drugs, and homelessness as well as restrictive laws regarding cars, guns, covid, etc. Its no wonder people are leaving.
The last time I was in Texas there wasn’t a Bucee’s so guess never will see one. Could stop and talk to locals and there never was anything but neighborly good heartedness. Now I can’t talk to anyone new anywhere without a little fear of what is going to happen.
ANY news agency. No one is leaving in droves, a few here and there. Do you realize how much money it takes to move a family of 4 across the country from California to ..anywhere South? People just don't have the money and the ground level observations still stand. Don't trust the lying news media. Incorrect talking points. The people love to be governed here. Red states are definitely a giant echo chamber.
Almost every Cali transplant I see in Texas cashed out their real estate there and bought a similar place here for $500k less. But the first 6 month summer swelter, giant AC bills, followed by winter ice storms and power failures make them rethink their choices. To say nothing about mass murders, bugs and high property taxes. Some then go to Tennessee hoping to find the promise land.
Hey if it works for you, go for it. Im not one to knock other peoples life choices as long as they dont affect mine. You want to actively live in that dystopia? Ha, bro, you are more than welcome to. But youll never catch me there i can promise you that.
For others like myself who can't get easily into one of the stores but are still curious about the flavors: Copycat recipe for Buc-ee's fudge Copycat Beaver Nuggets Copycat Sausage on a Stick Betting the unleaded 87 tastes the same everywhere, you're on your own for that.
Looking at the Cali population numbers over the years, I would say the minuscule drop recently is statistically insignificant. When I see real estate prices drop and empty homes like many parts of Texas, I’ll believe it.
if we'd have waited 'till property prices drop, it'd mean we'd have lost well over $100k on a 10% dip. Our 2nd home is about ½ hour south of Nashville in . (i'll call it 'alleged) California flight has really increased property values in TN. But there's no income tax so that's a nice offset. We left once Cali started planning an "exit tax". (hmmm - Now why do you their Gov Gavin Newson wanted an exit tax). That tax would have been WAY more expensive than the $11,000 it cost to move all of our junk to Montana a few years ago. Here's a nice 1yr map that shows California flight & the states that people typically flee to. The map was drafted by the CENSUS BUREAU ..... Don't get me wrong, we love love LOVED our soCal planned community home nestled between Irvine & Mission Viejo & Laguna Hills ... some of the nicest areas in the state. & who doesn't hate shoveling snow ... it's a toss up .... shoveling snow or being overtaxed If you live in a nice soCal low crime area you necessarily have to make over $100K. Here is CA tax example from CPA chart: That doesn't even include the near 1% real estate tax (not even counting local assessments) on an 'average' home - which is nearing $800k. that's $8,000/yr prop tax. Yea - no thankyou But God bless anybody who doesn't mind & wouldn't ever consider moving. Wish we could have afforded to stay, & glad it works for you. .
Dystopia is only external, Freedom is in the mind and if you have that, you can live anywhere and be happy. I've lived in Texas, it's great...weather is horrible though, and bugs...nope. 100k people? That's it? There's over 40 MILLION living in the state still and more people moving in from Red States who disagree with their state's ideals or policies. So the trade off is negligible at best. 100k is a drop in the bucket...freeways in LA are more crowded than before the Pandemic, it's NUTS and I am baffled to be honest. "But the News TOLD ME so it must be true!"
i guess i'm used to it, having lived in taxachusetts all my life. funny thing, we moved to new hampster in 1980 for a job. 'live free or die' no income or sales taxes, but the real estate and nickel & dime taxes we'd never heard of more than made up for it. but oh, the residents were so proud of the no income or sales tax.
That's true - sort of. But 100,000 exiting yearly is a a mathematical function where SEVERAL 100,000 leave yearly, even as nearly as many young males (mostly) enter the country illegally. Little if no job skills, & what little they do make they'll often send ½ back to their families all around the world. The 100s of thousands leaving yearly are more often business owners & skilled workers heading out to go to states with less homeless, less human feces & hypodermic needles on sidewalks. Don't know if that's much of a trade off. Still ..... if it's working wherever you are anyway - then sure you might as well stay. When we left our beautiful home years ago we had to wait over half a year to get a nationwide moving van company commitment because they were so backed up. Now why would that be - if the 100K population loss didn't account for the 100s of thousands of unskilled coming into the state yearly as well? I'm not blaming those folks ..... if I were in dire poverty straights in a corrupt country & little to no work - I'd be headed into the USA also. Our decision to leave Paradise came while donating hours to the public defender's office in Santa ana. One morning going to work there were candles & flowers left outside the door from the shooting / murders the night before. That wasn't the worst of the worst by far what you see when you deal with the underbelly of society. It's stuff you seldom here from the media. .
WHO CARES????????? LIVE WHERE YOU WANT TO LIVE.... THIS IS STILL AMERICA. How about getting back to the subject of the page?
What's your source for "hundreds of thousands" having left California? If you had to wait for a moving company or U-haul in this day in age, it's because the labor force is just lazy and still worried about Covid perhaps? That's still nothing compared to the 40+ Million "on the books" and thousands more pouring in daily at the Border. BRISKET and REALLY good Mexican food.
wow now we're in agreement ... nothing better than a lard deep fried chicharron tex mex burito .... NOMNOM!
yep ...really a different planet ....after converting the exchange rate and litres to US Gallons we pay $ 4.50 a gallon in my region
That would be cheaper than what GasBuddy shows today as the average in my region, the metro Seattle area at $4.58/gal (though the ones I use are more than 10% below that), or California at $4.87/gal. Crossing the border in the past, I have seen prices cheaper in southern Alberta than along the National Park zone in Montana.