I was in junior high at a parochial school when we had a sudden assembly and service in the chapel. But I also remember the black and white TV news many months earlier during the Cuban missile crisis ... my Dad was in the National Guard. Speculation about Oswald: Russian fan he'd lived there for several years and married. Returned to USA perhaps wanting a Russian KGB job. Self-motivated to revenge the Cuban crisis defeat. Bob Wilson
After 60 years the government still is keeping the documents on the president's assassination sealed despite congress passing a law in 1992 that required the report to be released no later than 2017... And here we are five years and two presidential administrations after that law was ignored and no end in site of hiding the truth. One can only imagine how politically damaging the truth would be to our sense of the US Constitution / democracy if the powers that be behind the scenes still want it kept a secret. I mean most everyone in politics from that time is dead and gone, but no doubt the corrupt racket that assassination created still exists otherwise there would be no loss to revealing the secrets.