So what does the dreaded head gasket startup rattle sound like. My 2012 V just yesterday started to make a, well, it sounds like something hitting something in the engine bay. It only rattles for a second or two and clears up. Any ideas other than head gasket? So far I have noticed NO coolant usage.
177K. No codes and it drives fine. This just started yesterday. Was hoping to get 200k before swapping in a 4th gen engine.
No coolant loss is normal at first. Misfires caused by plugs, coils or injectors won’t clear up so fast. Borescope inspection is definitive but start thinking about your repair options soon. Since you want to change engines, a hole in the block will only speed up the process. Shudder video
I checked EGR last year when I got it. It was in decent shape but not perfect. I think I’ll just drive it until it pops or sell it. I just today got an 2013 Audi S4 6 speed manual from an old friend.
Just watched the video posted. That’s the noise, just doesn’t last that long. Anyone want an otherwise good condition 2012 for a cheap price? Toyota did the rectifier and brake booster under warranty last year.
My head gasket leak was barely noticeable in the coolant level at first. It wasn't getting into the oil. Eventually, symptoms got worse and coolant leak was noticeable. Good Luck.
I have never hear of coolant in the oil on a Gen 3 HG failure. Just rattle and loss of coolant and of course over heating when bad... but have seen holes in the block, bent rods and deflated pistons if you let it go to long... Only car I've ever had with a blown HG and i'm in my late 60's. These cars are junk aft6er 150,000 lose all gas savings on repairs..... and a very good chance you'll be stranded