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g3 seats in Durham nc

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by Tombukt2, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    I was over at LKQ today on highway 70 in Durham North Carolina and there is a 13V sitting with leather or probably soft tech gray seats in perfect condition there's not a mark on these seats I was there getting some other stuff I actually took the hood off this car and hid it in another car so I can come back and get it. And then on the way out the guy that run me up overcharged me so I didn't want to ask him about the seats there's a lady that works over there that I feel she would treat me better but I'm telling you these things are beautiful It looks like they'll bolt right up in any generation 3 possibly even a two The mounts look exactly the same as my persona which is a 13 and my 2010 which is the solar roof JBL car I'm just phasing out my threes so I didn't really think about the seats at all but it looks like they might go in a two a generation two that is If anybody's interested I could find out what the deal is I mean these things were clean beautiful and they won't stay that way some idiot will go in there and put a cigarette out on them or something just because that's how people do The back seat might be usable but it's a funny split thing and I'm not sure it would go in a regular three but of course it would go in a V.
  2. tallprius

    tallprius Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    2010 Prius
    Premium w/ Solar Cells
    The pull apart yards here in Austin Texas have printed price lists ! So leather Lexus seats are same price as Yugo, Buick or Prius. I always just go to a cheaper yard for a cheaper prices.

    When customers hide parts in the yard may could result in the yard losing track of parts. They might miss the chance to sell the part - eventually lead them to charge more for parts.
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    I went back two days later to get the hood I didn't want to come back and not be there these things seem to go pretty quickly I'm not sure about the leather seat business in the Yugo stuff. I do know that in Durham North Carolina which is a crime town prices are high LKQ in Durham will rob you blind but if I go to Greensboro which for me is actually closer they let me have stuff they don't really care I don't know what the issue is a bunch of nice people up in the Greensboro office and of course that will change now as soon as they see this post probably but they're not about that whereas in Durham it seems like everything that's in Durham can be overpriced and well a problem If you notice those things. The point was is the seats are in such good shape at the time I have pictures of them at the time I was there there wasn't a scratch on them now the minute I left somebody could have come put a cigarette out on one of them because that's just what people do these days me personally I would have just undone the the hog rings on the covers and slid them off and grabbed the foams and just taking those with me and left the metal because I can do that pretty quickly and up at the counter they might not even know what they're looking at yeah these are parts of a seat thank you oh we don't care about that just pay $95 for the hub.