has anyone used these products? I know BG44k is used a lot. I recently went to by some and it came in a 2 pack with the air intake.
BG 44 is industry wide one of the leaders in some of the internal cleaning of fuel systems intakes etc that being said you need to be very careful with the Prius with its detuned engines and all this kind of stuff you want to be careful with explosive material running through the intakes and whatnot some of these systems require special ways you dose the engine through these valves that look like an air conditioning manifold I have one out here somewhere it's not for BG 44 it's for another company wynns extend intake cleaning system that should tell you how old I am of it very few of you know the company WYNNS they were NASCAR supporters so on and so forth usually sold by independent guys like snap-on dealers but they we call them the wynns extend man. He came around once a week with stuff like oil treatment which was like STP remember Richard Petty. Winds took that STP to the next level they had intake cleaners all kinds of the stuff. We used it in our contract cars with the sheriffs and police departments for years they requested it. But to be honest about it your Prius probably needs really no part of it but the stuff is very popular the BG 44. Wynns is almost a legend now . Or maybe they're on a comeback I have no idea I haven't seen our salesman in old 20 years I think he's dead I know where his truck and his car used to park The car is gone The truck is sitting there with weeds growing over it.