My son has a 2023 Prius XLE. I also have one but when I put the car in park and shut it off, the music still plays until I open the drivers side door. He says on his Prius, once he shuts off the car, the music also goes off. He would like to be able to have the music continue until he opens his drivers side door. Anyone know how to accomplish this with step-by-step directions? Thank you.
This would be the "ACC customization" option - they clearly couldn't figure out a name that explained what it actually does. When set to on, it removes the manual "ACC" mode selection, and instead keeps various functions on for a while after leaving "READY" mode. Other things it adds are a multimedia screen indication of charging schedule and "charge now" button as you shut down, and voice warnings for the safe exit assist. The setting is somewhere in the customisation menu in the multimedia display. Pre-delivery inspection says to turn it on - it says one of the functions is to start booting the multimedia system before actually entering READY mode, so reducing start-up time, but that potentially increases power draw so is off during shipping.