Are there any people on the forum that have an ODB-II interface and software they use? What do you use and what do you think of it? I found what looks to be a pretty nice package at this website. So far this is the best one that supports the CANs protocol that I have found. It actually supports all of the protocols so that you can use it on any car with ODB-II. Hank
just a hint, if your considering this unit, I'd email the manufacture and specifically ask them if it supports the 2k4 Prius as it uses both CAN and LAN and has been a hard case to access. I asked the Snap-on and Mac dealers if their scanners would work with the 2k4 and both said they would get back to me and both did and said No it won't and probably never will. There not being a big enough market for the software to justify the cost of developing it. If it does I'd have expected that the people working on the 2k4 Scanner would have bought one and reverse engineered the software by now. See above hint and be warned. If it does and you buy one let us know what all it does.
Anything AFM is only going to give you generic info and parameter data dictated by SAE protocol- won't be too handy on the Prius as you will not be able to access propietary codes, info codes and freeze-frame or snapshot data of them. You CAN buy a Midtronics scan-tool (Iv'e seen them on eBay for 3K plus) but without the ability to update the software on it you would be wasting your $$.
Here is what I do know. It will not work without the SSC 40D ECU update. Here is a statement from Toyota's Campaign letter: As far as the Toyota proprietary codes; Auto Enginuity is soon releasing a Toyota Enhanced version to support the proprietary codes and already have available Ford and GM. I don't know if this will include the Prius codes or not. I am checking with them to find out if they know for sure if it works with the 2k4 Prius or not. I'll also check with them about the codes. With that said, even with support for only generic codes you can still look up the proprietary codes in the repair manual can't you? Thanks for all the feedback. Hank
I got in touch with Auto Enginunity today. They state that the product will work with the 2k4 Prius as long as the Prius has the SSC 40D update. He also made the following statement: I believe that the Toyota Enhanced version will add support for Toyota Proprietary sensors. If I buy it i'll let you all know how it goes. I think I am going to buy it as there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Hank
you know what a 30 day money back gaurentee means It means they don't think you will want to claim it, usually because the product or service is just at that level of excelence, In all of my short life I've only taken advantage of one of such gaurentees, the rest were just flat outstanding. Most recently my webhost. Edit: I forgot to say how this relates to you hopefully this means you'll have a great experiance good luck and let us know how it goes, if it does work I want one of these for my future '05 or '06 Prius (If it gets to '06 I'd be inclined to wait for the next gen.)
I still have my Pocketlogger from - a left over from my MR2 Spyder tuning days. Works pretty well for viewing and clearing standard OBD type codes - works with a Palm Pilot.
have you actually hooked it up to a 2k4 Prius? My code reader won't recognise the 2k4 but will on the 2k1-3 Prius.
I got my scantool I received my scantool yesterday. It works great with my 04 Prius. I can see dtc codes, generic odb-ii realtime sensors. Sensors include: Engine RPM, Coolant Temp, Intake Air Temp, Engine load, O2 among others. There is an update coming where you will be able to see all the Toyota Proprietary sensors as well. Hank