my new to me 2010 prius horn doesn't work, but the panic button does sound the horn, from reading other threads sounds like it's probably the spiral cable I ordered a new one of those on ebay, but the odd thing is the horn doesn't work no matter what position the steering wheel is in, from other threads it sounded like if the spiral cable is bad the horn should work with the wheel in some positions. Also all of the other steering wheel controls work. Are there any other common problems to check with the horn?
Removed the steering column covers and tested the yellow horn wor to ground where it goes into the spiral cable and the horn works from there, so that means it's either the spiral cable or horn switch itself, guessing it's going to be the spiral cable, will report back after I change it out, hopefully the $13 ebay cable isn't complete junk, not going to spend $500 from Toyota
Installed the ebay spiral cable, horn fixed, works perfect, super easy job for anyone that is mechanicaly inclined, will update for longevity of the cable, but for the price difference I'll just keep buying the eBay ones even if they only last a year
I'm running into similar issue. The rest of the buttons on steering wheel work just fine for me. Was that your experience, too? @Delo404
I'm having the same issue, horn not working. I bought a clock spring, installed it but the horn still not working. Any other suggestions?