I recently purchased an 07 touring edition which I love. integrated NAV was not an option, so I bought an aftermarket GPS - the garmin nuvi 350, which has received much praise in these forums. I've been very frustrated with the amount of time it takes the nuvi to "acqurie satellites" when I turn it on. Sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes to find a satellite. Is this normal? Is there anything special about the Prius windshield that would interfere and require a special antenna? Or does it sound like I have a defective unit?
20 mins is waaay too long. The most it's taken my TomTom ONE was 3 mins but that was because I was inside a building and hadn't turn it on in a day. You might want to have it checked.
Generically speaking, a GPS will only take that long to acquire satellites if the Satellite almanac is very old or absent. Then I think it can take up to 30 minutes to acquire. About the only time you would see that is when all battery power is removed from the GPS. When a GPS has a relatively recent almanac (30 days or so), it should locate satellites in a few minutes or less. If you are seeing this time and time again, and you aren't pulling all battery power from the unit, then I'd vote malfunction. As far as windshields go, I suppose some metallic tinting processes may have an impact, but you rarely see any real concern in that area...
thats what I thought, but didn't know if the 07 had a heated or heat reflecting windshield. I'll call up Garmin tomorrow and get it straightened out. Thanks for the replies.
I tested a Garmin for a few weeks and had no problem acquiring satellites. Before you call Garmin to check try one simple test to see if it's a windshield interference issue -- take the Nuvi outside of the car and see how quickly it acquires signals.
Yeah, heated windshields pose a problem sometimes but the Prius doesn't have one. Also, I think the Nuvis use the new SiRF III chip which apparently work even in cars with heated windshields so it shouldn't be a problem
I don't have a Nuvi but I have experience with and own an old Magellan MAP 330 handheld unit. Wayne's info is right. Also, it always takes longer to get a lock if you're moving. To the OP, when you say 20 minutes, have you already started moving? Also, are you and the car outdoors when you start counting? GPS signals are really weak and are virtually nil indoors unless you're near a window.
If your Nuvi 350 has valid ephemeris data (meaning it has been powered off only a short time), it should take just a few seconds to get a satellite lock. Without fresh ephemeris data, it could take up to 30 seconds to receive all the required ephemeris data, given an unobstructed view of the satellites. If something is blocking satellite reception, or you're driving in and out of satellite view. it could take much longer, as all of the ephemeris data has to be received in one shot error free. I base this on experience with a Nuvi 360 which has the same receiver and which is mostly identical to the 350 with the exception of Bluetooth. Comparisons to other GPS units without the same receiver chipset are useless. See this link for an explanation of ephemeris data and cold start vs. warm start: http://gpsinformation.net/main/warmcold.htm <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cwerdna @ Dec 20 2006, 12:48 AM) [snapback]364490[/snapback]</div> A Nuvi 350, or any other receiver equiped with the SiRF III chipset will work indoors and acquire lock while indoors within seconds given fresh ephemeris data.
It may also be worth checking the software revision of your Nuvi to see if Garmin has posted any updates. There have been very rare occasions when it's taken my GPS (Streetpilot 2610, older chipset) a long time to lock (especially while moving, and in areas with heavy tree cover along the roads). There are also occasional satellite constellation configurations which can cause a slow lock (eg: when many of the visible satellites are in nearly a straight line). If it's taking 20 min all the time, that is definitely unusual. Dave
I have a NUVI 360 that I use occassionally. It will typically take less than a minute to "acquire satellites", however if I use it near my home it will not lock on until I get out of my local area. I am in a very hilly, heavily wooded area and that seems to be the problem. I also tried using it on while walking the streets of Rome last summer. It lost track of satellites unless I was completely out of the way of any tall building or obstruction. It seems to be very sensitive to any obstruction. Hope that helps.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seasidetouring @ Dec 19 2006, 06:40 PM) [snapback]364401[/snapback]</div> Where do you have the nuvi mounted? I have the Nuvi 350 on the universal dash mount (non-attached) which I had to buy for use in CA (where windshield mount is illegal). I would estimate that it usually takes less than 1-minute for mine to lock in, if I travel a long distance (get on a plane and fly 1000 miles) and attempt to use it, sometimes it may take ~5-minutes...but I would be suspect of 20-minutes. Have you checked for software updates? I found the latest update to actually cause it to take longer to lock onto location, but addresses other issues. If you find it taking too long or behaving oddly, don't be afraid to use the reset button below where the dock connects.