I have been using the OEM Wiper Blades on my 2013 Prius (purchased assemblies a couple of years ago) and it is now time to replace the wiper blade inserts. It is a pretty simple thing, but I decided to get Silicon refills due to the durability and "water wicking" feature similar to RainX since it seems to apply some sort of treatment to the windshield. However, after a short drive, the wiper blade insert starts to slide off from one end as the plastic wiper blade assembly is dragging across the windshield. I realize that the metal frame/railings have notches on them, and inspecting the original OEM wiper rubber, they also have notches on them whereas these Silicon refills do not. Does this mean wiper blade refills have to come from Toyota Parts/OEM so they match the notches and any other wiper blade refill will not be compatible with these wiper blade assemblies?
There's no such things as direct OEM Toyota made wiper blades, Toyota just has a supplier, but no different from other makers... Just buy the least expensive ones that are the same length, they'll work fine. Al of them will fit. Expensive wiper blades and cheap wiper blades rarely demonstrate a difference.
If you go look at advance Auto O'Reilly's and or Menards the wiper assembly that you want for your Prius is called hybrid it looks like it has an armadillo shell over the top of the beam this is what Toyota logoed wiper blade assemblies are hybrid blade assemblies look like they have an armadillo cover over the rubber they are only like $14 a pop they look exactly like the Toyota assembly except they don't have the Toyota logo on the closure when you flip over that closure to hold the blade onto the arm You might be able to pull those closures off and put them on the Rain-X or the Bosch hybrid assemblies but probably not. Toyota does not make wiper blades or arms they're purchased by Toyota by the hundred thousands I'm sure. My wife has the same problem wanted to have Toyota wiper blades Toyota rubbers Toyota everything. Then one day when she wasn't looking when her wipers were streaking and acting up and being foolish I put on the Rain-X hybrids and then she tells me the driver one is too short which is 24 in she says it's supposed to be 25 never heard such nonsense there's not a 25 in Bosch's catalog I don't think but it hasn't ever been mentioned again and she's off and running and the windshield looks brand new wipers are working perfect.
There actually is a difference in the rubber inserts used in the wiper blades that come originally with the car. It is a hybrid wiper blade assembly, and if you look at the ends where the metal frame/rails attach, they have notches and the rubber closes off. Other wiper blade refills are not built like this, as the ends on both sides are wide open, thus why it’s sliding off. I’m specifically asking if anyone has purchased other refill inserts that work with the OEM (hybrid) wiper blade assembly, whether the generic rubber or even Silicone from outside of Toyota parts.
No, I have not used other than OEM bought at the dealer parts dept. (2016 Prius V) I recall the inserts are about $10 each. Yes, as the OP mentions, those notches are important. A scratched windshield is the "ultimate" failure. If not going OEM inserts, I foresee a blade/ arm assembly is the option.
I have used other inserts in even Bosch icon Go look at those and figure out how I change those rubbers. You can buy the metal frame inserts that have a metal strip running down the sides that clamp on to one of the grooves in the rubber ttrico has refills made just like this but I don't seem to find them in the Rain-X or the icon or any of the others because they're made for you not to be changing the rubbers but if you look at the Bosch icon beam type and the hybrid if you're slick you can slide in Rain-X rubbers into the Bosch You can probably do the same to the Rain-X if you just look carefully I don't make videos and all that kind of nonsense so you'll see what to do You do not have to be bending or damaging the metal part of the frame that's already on your car You do realize there are different wiper refill inserts You might want to look at trico catalog so you can familiarize yourself with the different types of refills
I bought hybrid frame inserts from AliExpress and the inserts fit exactly on the OEM Toyota hybrid wiper blade. The quality of the inserts that come from China are questionable. They work, but they seem to streak until they get sufficiently wet. The rubber is harder but seems to last a very long time. They are darn cheap thoough.
I've run into both types of refill blades from eBay or aliexpress. The open ended ones, seems to be for commercial cars & trucks. That's the type my 21 Prius Prime takes. The standard silicone Prius blade from China took a month to arrive. That was the closed end ones your looking for. I ended up cutting off the ends which shortened my blade by 0.25 inches. Hope this helps..
Here's the info for the two front ones. This is from my Amayama invoice, genuine Toyota: Prices in Canadian dollars.