Since things are getting colder, I was wondering if there is a way to remote start but also with the seat warmers to kick in as well? Last few times, I noticed even if I keep seat warmers on before shutting down the car it resets. I have the Toyota Remote Connect subscription and Digital Key, wondering if its possible/workarounds to get it to work. Thanks!
I haven't played with the remote app for seats - but I know the cooling function stays on between drives. Surprised the heating doesn't.
Heat does stay on between starts for both the seats and wheel. I'd recommend just setting it when you get out of the car in the evening.
The wheel seems to stay on, but seats seem to reset. Is the climate settings on the app set to anything?
I've been testing this over the last week and the seats have stayed on every time I've gotten in the car. I'm not remote starting however so that could be factor. Maybe they shut off if a person isn't detected in the seat?