<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SSimon @ Dec 18 2006, 02:09 PM) [snapback]363942[/snapback]</div> Has it returned yet? I watch it but find it hard to even pretend possibility during some of the plots it develops. There has to be SOME reality and common sense to see us through. Nevertheless, I'll probably watch it again. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Dec 18 2006, 04:28 PM) [snapback]363987[/snapback]</div> Yes. I didn't see your post before I wrote mine. I agree completely.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Dec 18 2006, 10:04 AM) [snapback]363686[/snapback]</div> I've never tried Tivo, but perhaps I should. I like the technology, but don't enjoy paying for subscriptions. I suppose it's no different than my monthly Internet bill, or cable TV. I guess I need to get over it and give it a try. Tom
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(qbee42 @ Dec 19 2006, 06:52 AM) [snapback]364093[/snapback]</div> Tom, I know I'm getting repeatative, but it is totally worth it. IMO it'll make you more comfortable with paying your cable bill b/c you'll be getting so much more use out of the cable...you'll see the shows you want at your convenience. If you get a Tivo now they've got a deal that you get a 3 year subscription for the price of 2 years....$300 I think...less than $10/month and way worth it. I got a lifetime subscription with mine...it stays with the box, some folks sell the TIVOs on ebay with a lifetime subscription if you're willing to take those kinds of chances.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Dec 19 2006, 03:19 AM) [snapback]364071[/snapback]</div> I'll fess up. Megan and I watch 24. Season 1 was great. Seasons 2-4 were pretty much a slog after hours 8-12 as they kept repeating the same situations and treading water to fill the hours until the conclusion. Season 5 seems to have altered the formula: they still repeat the same situations, but get it over with faster, and it all just seems campier. The portrayal of the president from season to season is actually really funny when compared to, say, the west wing. On 24 the president is nearly always doing nothing (people always walk into a room where he's alone or standing in silence with one other person) unless he's busy moving a paragraph in a speech. So, yep, we watch it, and trash it while watching it, but do still watch it. It also makes me a bit queasy in that it's the show where torture always works.
I haven't been around here for a year to know that I'd start Evan's rant about his hatred for 24. Sorry, Evan. We rented this last year and since we've seen all episodes within a year's time, are very familiar with just how repetitive it can be. Always a mole, always a loved one of Jack that's caught in the cross hairs. However, I make an effort to forgo reality and just enjoy the ride, so far as entertainment is concerned. If you take it too literally, how could one enjoy science fiction as an example. Alnilam, no. The current season starts in a week or so. How about The Shield? Anyone watch that? Gritty but well written. Also implausible but it's very well done.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Dec 18 2006, 12:28 AM) [snapback]363641[/snapback]</div> Well, let's just say we've got 2 HD Tivos and 2 ReplayTVs on line. The TV is on a lot in our house but whether we really watch is another matter. I watch "House" pretty faithfully, however I would say that the only challenge right now is figuring out how Boomer's going to screw up and blow his case against house. (My vote is that he's dirty, and it'll contaminate things so badly they'll have to drop it.) His appearance on "House" reminded us that ER is STILL on. I haven't watched it in so long it always surprises me to realize that it's still around. (No offense to the person who listed it as a favorite. Since I haven't watched in over ten years it could be that it's really better then ever. I'll have to TiVo it.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SSimon @ Dec 19 2006, 11:27 AM) [snapback]364189[/snapback]</div> I hope I wasn't interpreted as "ranting"...Just answering the poster who asked "why's no one watching". That's why I don't watch any more. I was as dedicated as anyone the first 2 seasons, but by season 3 I just couldn't take the repeatativeness and completely unrealisticness any longer. I think the show's well made, I loved the 'real time' concept, I think Kiefer is a good actor, I like the action and high drama, but one or two seasons was enough. Unfortunately the 'real time' aspect is what forces so much of the stuff that's just completely unrealistic....those people do as much in 24 hours on the show as it would take weeks to accomplish in real life. At some point I just didn't feel a part of the show b/c of that lack of realism. I didn't mean to slam the program at all, we all have our personal tastes and things that work for us. I was never a Nip/Tuck fan, but watched every episode this season. Will probably watch the next season, but suspect that'll be it. After a while it's a soap opera and the risque edge won't be enough to hold my interest in the long term. ER was much the same...came out when I was in residency, loved it, made me feel 'cool' b/c there was "my" job as the most popular show on TV. I still think they do good things with a lot of the medical stuff, but at some point I lost interest in the various relationships and drama within the show. It wasn't 'fresh' any more I guess...much like 24 lost it's 'freshness'. The great shows find a way to keep it fresh in the long term while still holding onto it's initial concept.
I turned my TV off 4 months ago. Now I just watch movies and get the news I need online. I read a ton though so that might make up for it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(qbee42 @ Dec 19 2006, 04:52 AM) [snapback]364093[/snapback]</div> Just get a DVR from your cable company and it becomes part of your Cable TV bill, like adding HBO or something. And you never wind up with an out-of-date box this way, as you can with Tivo. If you don't like or use it, you can always cancel after a month or two. It'll cost you about another $10 a month but will change your TV habits forever.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Dec 19 2006, 02:09 PM) [snapback]364211[/snapback]</div> Yes, yes, yes. Love it. I was against getting this and my husband insisted. I now find that it makes life much more efficient. My word puzzle games have been shortened from a 30 minute viewing session to an 8 minute viewing session. It's well worth the cost, if one likes TV.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Dec 19 2006, 01:39 PM) [snapback]364196[/snapback]</div> Nope. Didn't interpret as ranting. I just saw Danny's comment about your annual "hate" comments.
Actually, it was almost comical. Evan would be all, "how come more people aren't watching 24? It's riveting, it's action-packed, keeps you on a thrill ride up until the last episode." Then it all turned into, "blah blah blah there's action, there's conspiracy, a lot of yelling and he'll save the day in the last episode."
Remember that line from "The Insider" about cigarettes being a 'nicotine delivery system'? That about sums up my attitude to television - it's a delivery system for advertising. It could and should be wonderful - informative, educational, or even enlightening - but it's mostly crap. I used to watch 24, but the 'product placement' did it for me. When I could no longer tell the ads from the show, I knew it was time. My wife's still mad at me...
Man, do I feel out in left field: IFC, the Indie Film Channel---just what it says. Always a good excuse to stay up half the night watching some little-known or unknown non-Hollywood gem. Shark Well-written, more of a how-to-nail-'em than a whodunit. Few things on TV sharper than James Woods tossing off one-liners. CSI The original only; Grissom is still near-riveting, and all are a quality ensemble. OTOH, CSI Miami is just an overblown David Caruso man-don't-I-still-have-charisma? show. Lost, but with me, it's almost run its course. Stewart and Colbert. Uneven, but sometimes brilliant. The Simpsons How on earth do they maintain this level of quality writing? And the occasional Discovery Channel, National Geographic, History Channel, Women's Entertainment or Bravo show. James Lipton's interviews of movie people are often good on Bravo. Ellen de Generes goes down easy (oops) on WE. h34r:
i only watch mythbusters and modern marvels. they are the only current tv show i watch other than Seahawks football. everything else is on DVD. dont even have the patience for Tivo. with Tivo, still have to wait a week at a time to see the episodes. but shows i watch Nip Tuck ER The Sproanos 6 feet under Lost Heroes (when it comes out on DVD) also watch, when its convenient, 60 Mintues, Dateline, 20-20, etc. *edit* oh forgot about Grey's anatomy and i actually have nearly all of Family Guy on DVD as x-mas present last year.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Dec 19 2006, 02:33 PM) [snapback]364249[/snapback]</div> How could you miss Family Guy and South Park?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Dec 19 2006, 11:04 AM) [snapback]364238[/snapback]</div> You're right, of course. Even PBS which used to mention it was "commercial free," is now selling anything you can imagine, on both radio and TV. I don't care if the hero is drinking a Coke during the show. Hell, I do too sometimes. In the memorable words of Jack Black, "Stick it to the Man!" There is a lot of good stuff there which, in moderation, will add value to a life. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Just eliminate the ads with the Fast Forward button. I never watch ads anymore. Tivo and the DVR allow this, much to the broadcasters' chagrin. Find the good stuff, which really does exist, and control your own evenings. Make your wife happy! (Skip "24" though.)
We don't have cable or satellite TV, however we do rent DVDs via NetFlix online. We usually lean toward independent or foreign films but recently, a friend suggested we check out the TV series, "Lost". Well... we have become addicted to this captivating mystery series that keeps us chomping at the bit for out next delivery of 4 episodes per disk. If you haven't seen it, start from the beginning (Season One) and check it out! Pretty exciting program and decent acting too. Lots of layers to each character... night-time soap opera at it's best! Enjoy!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pogo @ Dec 19 2006, 12:29 PM) [snapback]364190[/snapback]</div> It is that good. Still. Amazing that it can be, but it is. IMHO, of course. I used to like "House," but then it seemed that it got repetitive, too. Formulaic. However, I'll still watch it if I catch it. I just don't know when it comes on!