Hi everyone, I am curious what are the functions of the two circled connectors and cables. Is one of them for the touch function of the navigation screen? The navigation is for Toyota Prius V-itech 2012. Thanks in advanced!
What model mfd (radio) do you have? Bottom right on front. 57011? Where is that board? Inside the extension box below the main mfd? What are you trying to fix or accomplish?
Thanks for your response. The head unit number is JBL 100049 The board is behind the touch screen of the main MFD I have successfully added CarPlay function to my factory head unit and can control the CarPlay with a Knob. The integration kit has a component to control my navigation screen by touch. However, when I setup as instructed, the touch function of the CarPlay integration kit does not work. My question is has the touch component been plugged into the right port/ connector (the left hand side as shown in picture 2)? What is the function of the port/ connector on the right hand side? I can see the cable are similar. The difference is the left hand side has black end and the right hand side has red end. Photo 1: the head unit Photo 2: touch component connected to the left port/connector of the board Photo 3:: the CarPlay integration kit Photo 4: touch component of the kit Many thanks
I would think the manufacturer of the CarPlay kit would be your best bet. Perhaps someone else has used it but it might be useful to include a link to the kit and instructions.
Thanks for your suggestions. Toyota manufacturer CarPlay is not an option for Prius V 2012 from my research and other posts in this forum. Anyway, my CarPlay integration kit works with the Knob control so basically it is good. However, I would like to have touch convenience. The touch connections shown above were done with the kit’s technician support. However, it is not successful. I therefore hope that someone in this forum can enlighten me with the knowledge for those two connectors as they look similar except the color. The photos from other posts (of different Prius year though) show only one cable, but mine has got two. I am wondering whether only one of the connectors is enough for the Touch component of the integration kit or both of them needed to control.
Your mfd is the high end jbl while most of these cars had a different system. Perhaps the kit was not made for your jbl system. Hard to say without sharing who made your kit.
Thanks. Actually, I am just curious about those two connectors of the JBL touch screen in my first post.