Just wanted to drop it here. Cleaned MAF sensor using carbon cleaner (named Injection cleaner, spray). Attached: Previous air filter. I used Leppon's toyota air filter as replacement.
Strange. I've just changed the air filter and cleaned the MAF in my 2008 and if anything there's a slight drop!
I have a new problem, my acceleration is terrible now, probably not related to this post. The RPM sounds high but car is struggling to gain speed. No DTC found on OBDII. MAF value is 0.6 g/sec on idle (engine off) and 1.9+ on idle (engine on) which goes up to 6 g/sec on 2500 rpm.
What and w here is the MAF filter? Newbie. My 2007 with 78k miles has dropped to 36 mpg city...was over 40 for years.
welcome! it isn't a maf filter, it's the engine air filter, and the Mass Airflow Sensor watch watch but there are many things that can affect mpg's
well, the things that affect mpgs are: 1. Engine oil (5w 30 gives better but I use 10w 40 for engine safety as my car is 170k kms). 2. Air filter. 3. MAF condition. 4. Oxygen sensor. 5. HV Battery condition. 6. Tyres condition and pressure. 7. Throttle body and PCV condition. 8. Make sure brakes are not constantly applied even slightly when you're not using the brake pedal. Other than these, the driving methods are a huge factor for mpgs.
Thank you for the video on the MAS. My car is all tuned up from the dealer and I get 32-37mpg (totally sucks that my full size huge boat 1998 Buick Park Avenue gets 30mpg on the highway and a little soda can hybrid gets 32-37). I will try and clean the MAS because it's so easy. Thank you, emb
Any further info about number 8? Like how do I know or check this? I've had times when I kinda felt slightly like parking brake or something was on, maybe just ever so slightly, but the pedal is released fully..... But if your number 8 means that somehow the regular brakes could possibly be applying ever so slightly, then that might be it too. My coasting and even "warp stealth" are just not quite what they used to be.
I'm wondering about this also. Why would Toyota put out a car specializing in gas mileage and design it to have the brakes on? What causes it? Thank you, ebm
I think this is what he wanted to write: 8. Make sure the brakes are not applied, even slightly, when you're not using the brake pedal.