I’ve checked around and have seen very few threads on not the gas tank itself but rather the emissions components and hoses that are installed on top of the gas tank, as well as their differences from 2004- early 2005 to 2006-2009. I’m trying to find the part numbers to all the components that are for the early gen 2 models if anyone knows them? So far I’ve only found the Purge Valve (PN 7773047020) for the early 04-05 but is there anything else that is different? I had to replace the tank because after 300k miles I could barely get a few drops of gas in, and unfortunately discarded it with the original emissions parts before finding they are different to the “later” gen 2 components.
I don't know I have an '05 complete that I'm getting ready to take the tank out of so I can get the chassis off to the salvage so I have I can have pictures of all of it and whatever I mean there's it's kind of like my sienna van there's some hang-on items back there that well we'll come down with it and that's about it then the two or three 07 seven to 09s here. I don't have the tank in their sub assemblies out of the later year they're all intact and working generally when I get one of these I stretch the bladder out by immediately filling it up making it burp several times putting the cap on it and letting it sit in the sun and then go driving and do that a few times and then you can usually pump 9 gallons in from complete empty light flashing for 15 mi and then put the last 2.2 gallons in a little slower at least that's how it's worked here for these five
As I recall, the '04-'05 fuel tank design is different from the '06-'09 design. I have two fuel tanks lying around: one from 2005, the other from 2008. I'll try to take some pictures tomorrow. If you install the '06-'09 fuel tank to '04-'05, you will get emissions related DTCs because the engine computer wiring harness is wired differently.
Glad to have read this thread, as I've been debating about doing some tank experiments. Didn't even think about the tanks/support systems being different. I continue to learn something new every day!
I would think you'd have to do some moving around of some evap solenoids or something similar or use the evap solenoids and all that from the car you're dealing with and just change the tank and then get the routing of the evap hoses in the light to the right solenoids and devices might get it. But just like everything else from the '04 05 doesn't really like to go comfortably to the mid-06 to 9. It's possible to force some of this stuff and make it work but I don't know why that really becomes necessary in the US there's way too many cars around to get if you just look.
I plugged that part # into google and got several hits for "parts.(dealer_name)Toyota.com" - click on one of those. In a window below the part, is a link arrow to a parts diagram like this. https://parts.lakelandtoyota.com/showAssembly.aspx?ukey_assembly=504338&ukey_product=4160373 See if that helps. Do the same for a 2007 and see what's different. IDK how much is different early to late, except early has a "canister close valve VSV" (vacuum solenoid valve) while late has a "leak detection pump module".
To me the fuel tanks look the same. I'm not sure about the EVAP system. I had an issue with EVAP on a 2007 Prius where I used components from the 2008 fuel tank. I can’t remember what was wrong. I also had an issue with 2004 Prius EVAP system and it turned out that the 2004 car had an engine computer from 2006-2009 prius. Now I'm not sure if the wiring is different. I always believed that this was so. I need to check that in the Mitchell wiring diagrams.
And the '04 car worked fine with the '06 to 9 computer installed in it? That is interesting I know dashes and CM monitors and displays will plug up but they're wiring pinouts are completely different and they don't work at all correctly I'm sure you could make them do so but both cars being relatively plentiful I wouldn't see the point.
Yes, with the exception of EVAP codes. I think the wiring pinouts are different. I still need to find that out in the Mitchell.
An old topic caught my eye, but it brings clarity to the differences between Prius tanks. I still need to check the differences in the EVAP system. I keep forgetting about it while I’m in my shop. https://priuschat.com/threads/fuel-tanks-dont-interchange.91130