Does anyone have any large photos of a Salsa Red or Green Prius. I'm trying to make my color selection but the Color Selector on the Toyota website just doesn't do it for me. Thanks in advance!
You have picked a couple of hard colors to define... look at the album at well as photos at yahoo's Prius-2G... John's photos .... and eBay... the green, I assume is Tideland... it can change colors with the sun moving or a cloudy day... better look for that one in person... John's site has one at the Capitol.. closest to true color...but look at the sky... I think red is red is red, watch the Salsa owners come after that statement ...I stand on the fact that I'm color blind..worked for 15+ years in the printing industry 8) ... Good luck.....Bob
Bob only thinks he has a Driftwood Pearl. The dealer found out that he is color blind and passed a Salsa Red off on him. I am waiting for a Salsa. You really need to see all the colors in person. I first told the dealer a Silver, then I saw the Salsa Red in person and fell in love. Made the Silver one look like a washed out albino. Now watch the Silver owners come after that statement!
Salsa Red-It sort of looks like the red in a bowl of Pace picante sauce (i.e., fake salsa as opposed to homemade salsa). It almost approaches maroon in color. Very nice. Tideland Green-If I didn't know, I'd swear that Toyota had a dark grey Prius. I call this the chameleon Prius. This is the color I'm going to want for my 2005. BTW, you do know both only come with the ivory interior right? Esther
* sneaks into topic using stealth mode * Of course black is the best colour for the Prius! * runs off * can go to my personal album and check out some of my pics...however, I recommend you download it to your PC and view there...the website does not give a high resolution image of the pictures. Texassalsa04...
LeVautRien turned me on to this is the website, which convinced me that I wanted a Tideland when one was available. And by the way, as I learned, it's not green. When I tell friends geographically seperated that I hvae the car, I send them to this site because the pictures are so good. I get as many compliments on the color as I do the car itself. [yoda] Made by you the final decision must be. Advice from others you should seek. Personal happiness in the end is all that matters. [/yoda]
Black's all good unless you live in places of extreme heat or intense sunshine. Last thing I want on my vehicle is a high light absorbtion paint. Granted - Tideland is closer to black than white when it comes to darkness.
JKash - You forgot a slash... Nice pics...
Two excellent threads with lots of photos of Tidelands (and comments about the color) can be found here.
Take a moment and check my post about when I received my car. You will notice in the picture that I am naturally very blonde. Every once and a while I do something that I can later blame on my blondeness. I totally forgot to post a link to the website LeVautRien pointed me to. But noticed in Bookrats' post that the first link goes to my thread where LeVautRien provided the link. So go there and find their post to find the link.
Thanks for all the pics everyone! I think I'm going to go with the Tideland now that I see it isn't the "Key Lime" green I saw on the Toyota website.
I heard (made up) a news report (lie) that Danny automatically makes you a Platinum PriusChat member if you buy a car that looks just like his. :-D
His reply would seem to indicate. Danny? Wanna Clarify?
True of course. But then again, over here in the Netherlands there's more rain than sunshine (or so it seems) and Black is perfect against rain, the car stays much dryer. I think it was someone on these boards who said that in Texas there are two colours for a car: white and dumb. :mrgreen: