Hello guys, just a quick question. I have a grid charger from Maxx Volts for 2004-2009 Prius, very soon I should get Toyota Camry 40 and I was curious if I can use the same charger to charge this Camry. Is there any difference between this two?
You're going from the Prius is 211 volts to 244 volts in the Camry I don't know what your charger charges at I use the Venice hybrid charger It's adjustable three settings I think I think it charges our Prius at 300 volts DC if I'm not mistaken or 299 or something that would work on the Camry I don't know the specs on the charger that you have.
Thank you for your answer. Yeah, I think you're right, they do have different amount of voltages as well as modules (28 and 34). You're talking about the VHT High Speed Chargers for 600$, right? I'm thinking to buy one, how is it so far? Would you recommend it? And is this just a simple charger or it also does discharging and balancing? Do I have to buy them separately?
The guy who does the Venice hybrid business is like a Russian guy He's really cool guy for your $600 you're getting a discharger the charger itself the necessary cabling and any kind of tech support or questions or nonsense you want to deal with him on he answers the phone directly really nice guy I can't remember his name it's not Boris. To be honest I've only used mine like once or twice It has a selector that goes from oh gosh I want to say 160 volts then the next one is 300 which is what we charge the Gen 2 and 3 on and then there's a higher number than that number three is I don't know what 350 or something. The gist of the deal is as you plug this up to the complete pack You turn it on and you let it run until 5 minutes can pass and they'll be no change on the chargers meter then you turn the charger off and disconnect it You generally won't get any more power into the battery at that point. It seems to work very nicely but I'm not one to be charging and discharging and recharging and discharging and recharging again just to play with the battery once I get a good battery in a vehicle it's driven enough to keep it up I've never had a problem with cars sitting and dying and all that. But I do like the charger and he put the knobs all on one side of the case that he did for me so that I can stack it in a bookshelf or on its end without it sitting on knobs or buttons which was very nice.
May I ask you for his contact or website? I'm looking for charger/discharger because I want to try to charge my friend's car (Toyota Camry 2008) he has a terrible battery and don't have enough of money for a new battery or a new pack of modules. So I want to try to charge and discharge them (for 3 times) and maybe his battery will work for another 2-3 months, that's would ve enough for him to earn enough of money.
Raj hundal Venice hybrid tech You can Google him and his chargers and what not right on Google at Venus hybrid tech It immediately pops up I left you his number his personal number in your messages
Oh, okay. I just got confused when you told me he is Russian guy because I've been thinking he is Indian. Anyways as far as I understand I need to buy both of them, the charger and separately a discharger, right? Update: Never mind. I did watched Venice Hybrid Tech videos on Youtube and I have a better understanding of what I need. Thank you for all the help! Have a nice day!
I got the two pieces for the same money you're talking about so maybe talk to him The larger case is the charger with the three selectable voltages that cover most of the hybrids and the other little are box is the discharger