Looks like the gas tank in the AWD version is .8 gallons smaller than the FWD/regular versions. Is this noticeable to anyone? I’m coming from the 2017 L eco, which got less milage, so maybe for me it will work out to about the same milage per tank anyway
Going from Gen-3 Prius to Prius PHV meant loss of roughly 2 gallons for me. It was a non-issue. No big deal.
I have the AWD and didn't even know this. Not a concern, it's already plenty long enough between fill-ups
Roughly 450 miles between fill-ups for my Limited(+/- 50 miles depending on driving habits and conditions). About the same as my 2010 Prius II, so it works fine for me.
I came from a Prius C with an even tinier tank. I think I get like 150 more miles to the tank. Besides, who fills their tank? For optimal weight efficacy, you should only put in enough gas to make it to the next gas station, right? Right!?
By the fuel economy ratings, you definitely shouldn't get 150 miles more to the tank than the 2023 AWD. hah
No, my 2021 LE AWD has the lithium batteries so get's better mpg than my wife 2017 LE with nickel-metal batteries. Since my old Chevy had a gas-line freeze in the winter here, because it was low on gas, I've always refilled our tanks before they get to 1/4 full (in the winter) but wonder if this is even a problem with Toyota's? Anybody who lives in cold weather ever had a Toyota fuel line freeze up?
24 winters of Prius ownership in Minnesota. I have never even heard of such a concern. How would that happen, a vehicle with an unsealed tank absorbing water?
No longer a problem with E10. Before that, if some water was picked up from a gas station, the fact it was heavier and didn't mix with the gas mean a slug of it could end up in a line and freeze when parked. Probably not a big concern back then, but I think if you are unlucky enough to have had it happen, it wouldn't matter which brand or model.