I've read through the threads, but most are old and I'm not sure I'm understanding things right. I left my car a few nights ago. The next day I came back, I couldn't enter the car, all doors were locked. I had to manually get in. The light switch for the headlights was on, however, I usually lock my door, and the light turns off, and the doors were locked, indicating to me that I locked the door, which turns off the lights. Maybe I'm wrong somewhere about this. I'm not sure what to do next now. I can jump start the car, but I don't know what to do next, do I just drive around? I'm afraid, the engine will cut out while I'm moving. What do I do? Should I just get it towed. I'm just lost and kind of extremely worried about battery technology after this. Hopefully you guys can assuage my extreme anxiety about this. Year: 2014 Trim: I think Prius II Mileage: ~90k
The 12v battery has died. That's the smaller & cheaper of the two batteries in there. You can jump-start the car, and just by leaving it in READY mode the car will recharge that battery. (Be careful to avoid a reverse-polarity connection. If there is anything to actually be anxious about, it's this.) No need to drive around- this is something different about Toyota hybrids. They will charge that battery appropriately whether you actually drive or not, just as long as the car is in READY mode. The engine and hybrid system won't shut down, no risk of stalling etc. But if you don't charge enough, there is risk that the car still won't be able to go READY after your next intentional shut-down. Most people find it to be more convenient to use a battery charger to restore that battery, because it tends to take a while to charge up from zero. If the battery is more than 5-6 years old, you might do best just to replace it outright. There are mobile battery replacement services that come to you- some grades of AAA and other motor clubs do that, which means there's no need to tow the car. Good luck!
Thanks so much for that peace of mind. I figured that I was overreacting and thought there would be some type of mobile service. I called my local dealership asking, and they told me to just drive around for 30 minutes, and that if not, I needed to take it to them, which didn't sound right. I'll look into calling a mobile replacement service first. Thanks so much again, I've been freaking out about some 8-10k bill to repair this thing, or basically just needing to get a new car, although I'm sure it's actually a lot cheaper to repair. Just having some electric battery panic scares right now. Again, thanks so much.
it's a fairly simple diy if you want to attempt search batteries run around $200., installation cost can vary
Installation cost? Autozone or Napa will usually install a 12v battery for you for free if you buy it from them.
Well, I can't say I've ever tried it myself, but I also can't fathom what is different about a Prius 12v battery other than being AGM.
My local service quoted me $450 total to come out and replace it. Would you recommend I get a battery on my own or just use what they provide? Is it that much of a difference? I think normally, I'd DIY, but I might just bite the bullet and not worry about it.
just the work of getting to it under the deck. they're used to popping the hood, one out, one in, close the hood. the person they send out to do it is the latest hire
most batteries are around $200. so it doesn't matter where you get it. diy is up to you, and that's a pretty common installed price, unfortunately