I made a typo here where to get a Prius with a DEAD hybrid battery for cheap? | PriusChat and I want to edit my initial post how can I do it? I do not see an edit button thank you ...
"EDIT" is a time sensitive function in PriusChat comments. I don't know exact time but after some period (I think it is less than a day), you CAN NOT edit anymore.
12 hours these days. It used to be unlimited. I've even been caught editing at the moment the limit expired. Started the edit while it was still possible, with the Edit button displayed, then hit Save too late. No dice. Considering that I often don't get back to review in time, my posts retain substantially more spelling and grammar errors than I'd like. My style of revision on the fly, and again afterwards, often creates grammar errors that were not present on the very first input.
I'm curious, was there a specific reason for getting rid of unlimited edits? I started a thread comparing the price of running a PHEV on gas or electric thinking that I could always come back and update it as needed. Was a bit surprised to find the edit button gone. For that type of thread, I like to keep the most relevant info and updates in the first post or two so people don't have to scroll through the whole thread. That doesn't seem possible right now. Count me as a vote to bring back unlimited edits or at least unlimited edits on the first post in a thread.
Paranoia mostly. A few bad apples will ruin it for everybody......if they go back and change what they said after someone points out that it was wrong......and then claim that they never said it. I personally think the cure is worse than the disease. It's like punishing the whole class when Johnny throws an eraser.
Just realized that editing has a time window right now. What about the people like me who post a Prius for parts in Private Sales and want to keep the listing updated with parts sold? Tough luck
If I remember the story right, the change followed the departure of one long-time member (I never heard who) who had posted lots and lots of valuable material over the years, then got mad and went off in a huff, editing all those past posts to nothing. Sometimes I'll discover that in an old post of mine, I actually said something that was wrong, and rather than letting it stand and confuse new readers, I'll 'report' my own post and ask the mod to change the wrong part. That works, but I try to do it only for important mistakes, the moderator being stretched pretty thin. I don't do it for mere typos (unless the typo's in, say, a part number or a torque or something).
Personally I don’t see the importance of keeping all day old posts regardless of quality content or not. Strong moderators (with a s) would solve the downsides of allowing longterm edits. Part of that strength is getting rid of problem members and bad content.