After a catalytic converter theft I was forced to replace the converter and downstream sensor. Now I get a P0420 every 20 miles after clearing the code. Is there a way to recalibrate the output number?
The code doesn’t mean the sensor is bad. I once had the o2 code and it was a leak in the intake system between the maf sensor and the throttle body. The maf sends info to the engine computer and if extra air gets in it fouls up what happens down the line. The o2 sensor gives an unexpected response and a code is given. More or less, just from memory. Codes don’t mean replace that part, all done. Sensors were fine after air leak fixed, nothing wrong with them. The other thing is you don’t say if the cat was one of the very cheap ones.
I can't see in your profile where you're located so are you in a state that requires you to have the factory catalytic converter or is this an aftermarket thing? You may want to try the swivel spacer for the O2 sensor they make nice ones now and stainless steel they swivel and locking place and all this and so on and so forth seems like a good option I've done this on older cars back in the day I haven't had time to put this one on the Prius yet and the 208s I'm driving right now don't have this code my 09 and another one have had it for 5 years I'm in a state that doesn't care We do not have emissions testing in my county All I have is safety honghorn flashlights turn signals and go.
I’m not in Colorado anymore and my current location only requires that there is a converter installed. No emissions testing. It has a new aftermarket converter and new sensor. I suspect that there is performance differences with both compared to the OEM components. Is there a to make the current signal to read “in range”?
Define cheap…. OEM was quoted at $5000, aftermarket just as good $2500, cheapest on the internet is under $100. I paid about $600.
There's not just one "in range", because the car uses the sensors as part of a whole procedure to measure the oxygen storage capacity of the catalyst. To pass the test calls for the right readings at both the high and low oxygen steps of the test, and the right amount of time between. So gaming the test to fool it might not be completely impossible, but it's not just a matter of fudging the signal one way.
Yes eBay sells them by the thousands everybody makes them that does any kind of metal work If you go on eBay and search for a catalytic converter spacer you will see gajillions of them It looks like a swivel air fitting that goes on your compressor air hose. It has a little piece of converter material in one end of it it screws in where your O2 sensor goes in the downpipe under the car You get it to the angle you want and how you like it run the nut up and lock it now the part that swivels you screw your O2 sensor into that swivel it around where you want it where it's not aimed at the ground and messing with your ground clearance and you lock the nut plug the O2 sensor back into the car and go for a drive. Some companies might call it an O2 sensor emissions spacer. Before these were manufactured people were using spark plug antifouler adapters. This is not recommended they're made out of poor metal they get red hot generally not what you want to be doing.
Yes I just checked If you Google oxygen sensor spacers you'll see exactly what I'm talking about on Amazon and temu The nice angled ones that swivelink and lock it any setting are about $14 you'll notice them they look like an l shape and that l can be straightened out to straight and anywhere in between. You'll notice in the picture it has a little round disc that's catalytic converter material It goes in the end that screws in to the pipe usually it will have instructions with it and be pre-assembled You want to screw it onto the pipe or the car's pipe as it comes tighten it and then adjust the other end to where your O2 sensor will fit and not hit anything and be dragging.
I haven't noticed mine being hurt mine doesn't get affected by the PO420 code at all I still get almost rated mileage for the generation 2 which is 47.1. . Start getting the bad hybrid battery you'll see your gas mileage dropped to a low of 37 02 sensors have never caused me any grease not in corolla's trucks vans all Toyota products never an issue on the gas mileage in so far in my world.