also, I don't understand the sales chain, namely how this used car dealer is making money if they purchased it directly from toyota.
Bent subframe. Right front corner with struck. Is also a gap between the headlight and the bumper cover.
Make sure the apparent misalignment is real and not just a trick of the light or bad photography. You should understand that the Prius c is just about the most automatically-produced car in history. Fewer humans involved in its manufacture than just about anything. Robots. Robots that made each and every one of them incredibly identical to a fare-thee-well, much more so than any other car model out there including the big Priuseses. So you're very unlikely to find a c with a misalignment or uneven panel gap that was not caused by a crash or other bad thing.
body service performed right before sale at auction. must be an unreported accident. knew it was too good to be true.
Personally I've never trusted carfax further than I could throw it, you appear to be finding out why. Good that you caught it!
Well, it is possible that they repaired it appropriately from a mechanical standpoint. They'd never be able to get the body perfect because the c kind of redefined perfect from a manufacturing standpoint. But it does mean that it is on you to figure out if they fixed it properly with regards to its value as a used car.
I have to prius' that are bent like this. I don't worry about it except that I had to do some fancy footwork to keep the plastic bumper cover in place because it doesn't line up with the radiator bracket
little bit of panel separation on front right corner and rear left corner but nothing major. looks like it was probably a very low speed collision with a stationary object. it handled fine at 75mph so I bought it.
Are there any videos of the manufacturing process of the Prius C? i would like to see it, so far i can't find any.
Thank you, i searched for that title and the video that shows up is showing humans assembling the bumpers and other few stuffs, looks like footage from the robots working has never been recorded or shared.