Hello! Seeking advice on a couple issues: 2004 prius. Suddenly red triangle. My FIXD code reader says P3016 'battery block 6 becomes weak'...and P0A80 'replace battery pack'. Years ago, my 12 volt pan rusted out and I had my 12 volt temp precariously secured in place. On a trip, red triangle came on and had towed to dealership. Dealer told me need new hybrid battery- no question. About ready to accept that, I called another dealer on a whim- they said check your 12 volt connection-as that can give bad hybrid readings. Sure enough, negative ground loose. I told dealer and he dug deeper saying I would be in danger if I drove car off lot- he would not be responsible, blah blah. Drove away and was fine for years. ............fast forward to now: so decided to check 12 volt- 5 yrs old and dead. Replaced with new 12 volt hoping it was the culprit.....prius drove for a while...bars rose, then 20 minutes later BAM....red triangle, prius charge bars dove to one bar. THEN....bars rose, and all seemed great. ...............SO I accept my 19 yr old hybrid battery is at the end of its life. options: looking at greentecauto. They have a $995 special which includes install. One yr warranty. However, I asked likely life span of battery and they stated just 2 years! So,.....assume these are assembled with cells on the way out. OK if I want to sell car quickly I guess. Warranty is transferable. Called another hybrid place, and mech advised against such. He has a 2nd gen that the person had recenlty replaced with an OEM hybrid battery . Wants a few hundred more than greentec to do the transplant. So.........since greentec themselves say their reconditioned will likely last only 2 years. ......Issue #1: I'm leaning transplant. (??) .....................................Issue #2: So I get the periodic sudden p3016 code, and the P0A80 code. ALSO I noticed that when these codes came on a PSSHHHHHHHHH noise emanating from behind me. Hybrid battery? 12 volt? tire? not sure, but suspect hybrid battery. This is an issue because I had planned on driving to battery fix. Was told it should be ok.... BUT then I read that you should stop driving with p3016 before it does further electical damage AND the PSSHHHHH noise , um. worries me. I imagine battery frying itself . I have AAA, so can have it towed no problem. Not overly keen on ending life in a hybrid battery explosion...thoughts?. Thanks!!
Psshhh could have been a module venting. Most NiMH batteries can do that a couple of times before they are completely fried, but since you don't know if this is the first time, not such a great idea to drive it. Or it could have been a tire, but if that is the case it would now be flat. Not flat - not the tire. Could also have been a rear strut blowing out. What are the odds that either a tire or a strut failed at exactly the same time as the pack, pretty low, right? Before we talk replacement batteries, what is the rust situation? (NE car, rust tends to kill them before anything else.) Can you justify a $2K repair? Can you do the work yourself? The price for Toyota OEM batteries has apparently dropped back into the sane region (<$2K for the part), but you will need to call different dealers to see who near you has it at that price. Don't bother trying to use Toyota's national parts web page to find this information, they broke it (on purpose, apparently) a while back, and it is now impossible to pull this information out of it. If a dealer installs the pack it will cost more, but there will be a longer warranty. The Project Lithium batteries are another good option to consider. Only think about using any sort of "rebuilt from old modules" pack if you are not planning on keeping the car for very long.
If going this route, confirm the module serial #s are in sequence and that the same serial# translates into a newish date of manufacture. Though if you're ready to spend 1300 on a newish USED battery, maybe spend another 400-600 and just purchase one that is NEW.
Come down south get a roller tweak it and roll home.. battery tray rusted out that means that whole rear quarter is ate up You don't want to fool with that what about hubs bearings and all that I can't even imagine.
Thanks! all good info. With mechanical items, pure logic is very serviceable. The 2004 prius is my dads car, hence 'sentiment' clouds logic. I also have a 2016 prius....paying to keep both on the road.(aka 'being real stupid')... Obvious solution is to embrace cheapest hybrid option and sell vehicle. Also at play is the old car quicksand dilemma .....withing 1-2 years...the good : new front bearings/ rotors,new inverter pump, new brake actuator, new radiator /condenser, pcv? valve, changed the ? oil, new CAT protector knock off shield, inverter attached to 12 volt (yes, can cook a pot roast while driving) , tinted rear windows, engine barely uses oil..... The bad & ugly: as mentioned:- RUST salty NE winters roads. Also, this gen 2 had the pin hole leaks on rear roof /hatch joint. battery and opposing side filled with water for years. I noticed when I saw 12 volt sitting low...the bottom of pan was completely rusted out-GONE and battery was prevented from falling onto road by attached cables. FYI attached pics: opposite battery hole (lucky badgers were not nesting in vehicle) ....I was actually proud of my solution (Pirsig of 'Zen and Art of motorcycle maintenance' would be proud): grind/ ospho rust, mold in hardware cloth tacked with sheet metal screws, spray in the insulation foam. Figure any rodents will hit the hardware cloth....foam molds sweetly into nook/ crannies..... also pictured is the battery pan I fabricated. very odd shape, hence cardboard mock up. The red straps I used to keep battery from falling on highway as I drove 2/3 across U.S.. The swinging aspect loosened neg ground (previous story). ...........pasendena: .I cannot do work myself. Spine surgery. ........SFO- called local dealer: $1900 for battery sounds good, however they do not sell w/o install $$$$$$. The answer I think answer is to AAA tow to greentec auto cheap solution, then sell....but sentiment clouds logic. I loathe gen 4. Harsh LED headlights, insanely over engineered minutia (gen 2 manual 1/4", 2016 3" thick.) Gen 2 perfect amount of engineering,,,not to hot, not too cold...juuust right. imo
So you're out in Pasadena California with this rust bucket or you're back in I don't know Western Massachusetts New York wherever we started from? You're seriously going to fix this car apparently? Are you permanently disabled or is just just from surgery temporarily I think I would advise against fixing the car per se but doesn't really matter the drops of oil that it does or doesn't use the one NZ is not a real known big oil burner unless you've beat that into it I'm in North Carolina these cars are falling out of the sky here It's almost raining them I have six sitting here a couple with enough paperwork that they could probably be sold That's not a big thing to me I don't ever sell what I buy or almost never do unless it's for a good cause or something but it sounds like to me you need a rolling chassis depending upon the state you're in will determine what amount of paperwork you'd have to have for said rolling chassis You would be moving all of your stuff to the southern roller or whatever you need it or wanted I have been in your situation many many years living in western Massachusetts I couldn't imagine having to go through this again at this point in my life course at this point in my life I'm not going to be needing cars for you know another 10 years maybe then all the BS starts kids don't want you driving trying to take your license blah blah blah luckily I don't have much of that.
What does the bottom of that car look like? We understand that the battery compartment might have rusted out from the inside, but since this car lived in MA, unless the car was washed religiously or sat unused in a garage most of the time the suspension and such is most likely a mass of rust just waiting to fall apart. It doesn't makes sense to put money into a car like that.
Bingo!! you are absolutely correct. makes no sense. However, if I dont put the battery in for $995, I lose all the $ from recent repairs. If I do put battery in.....can likely get $2- $3G for car? (new 12 v, traction bat with yr warranty, new radiator, new w bearings/ brakes, etc) Alll good selling points. So...stand to recoup 1-2G. This is my thinking.
In SoCal if a car has anything but a light dusting of surface rust we walk away. In the NE you folks cannot be that picky. Still, I would expect the NE market price of a rusty 19 year old car is somewhere around "free or pocket change". Maybe it would work out better economically to strip out and sell the good parts and junk it? (Assumes you have a place to do this.)
Solid plan. However, not capable to strip off good parts. Thanks for input on price. Last option is to sell the SWEET 2016, which I have not emotionally bonded with and only 30k miles (kept in garage, not driven in salty slush).......and ....keep the rust bucket myself...should be a while before my feet fall through the floor-pan Fred Flintstone style.. Usual amt of rust on underside. What I should have done.....is sell it before dumping all the $ into it. Hindsight 20/20. Thanks- you helped my thinking. Main problem is sentiment. Was my dads car.
Hi SFO....I'm going this route I think. Auto place has good rep and mechanic states this battery is only 8 months old and came from toyota. The owner was a customer. He wants my hybrid core. My suspicious self wants proof it is 8 months old. The one year warranty is nothing special and does not reflect this almost new battery. You suggest I insist on getting a serial number. What specifically should I ask for ? thanks!!
Remove the metal cover, on each of the modules locate the small "white colored" serial numbers, all 28 should be in numerical order. Take a photo of a module serial # and post it in this thread. Or use the helpful "date decoding" images (below) that @TMR-JWAP shared. The same large metal cover should also have additional OEM stickers, including one that has a serial #, if you need help post a pic here. Battery Pack/Case decoding: Individual Module Serial number decoding:
here is a pic of battery ser#. Just had it installed. Mechanic stated a prius customer put this battery in new from toyota 8 months prior to ditching car. Place seems honest and legit. I am curious to find out age of battery and hoping this number helps. Initially, was thinking perhaps it might be covered by an extended Toyota warranty but realized that would be a bit silly...besides...even if Toyota did install on new replacement- they only give a 1 yr warranty anyway. Any help deciphering ser#...battery age appreciated!
For all intents and purposes, a Primearth battery is a Toyoya battery. Toyota has an exclusive contract with Primearth to manufacture and supply their batteries. Read up on the history of Primearth here and how that arrangement came about.
No, sorry. That is a new format I haven't seen a decoding for. I suspect if a date is encoded it may be in the M1C5S part. Do you have any inkling of when it was supposed to be manufactured?