We have a potential buyer for the 2009 Prius we purchased new in 2008. curious: Why is he asking about the loose felt rectangle that came in the glove box?
Hi Norma, If that's the biggest thing he has questions about then you must have an awesome car for sale.
Hi Norma, Getting a car from an original new owner is the holy grail of car shopping. But..car dealing is like wild west horse trading. You have to assume everyone is a criminal intent on ripping you off in any and every way possible. If you have the slightest doubts or intuition about dealing with anyone, cut them off completely. Do not let anyone do anything to your car, no matter how experienced of well-intentioned or knowledgeable they purport to be. Get your price, go down to the DMV or AAA to complete the transaction and have them register the car in their name before they drive it. Do NOT sell to a dealer or someone you think might be a flipper. There are plenty of good, honest people out there looking to buy a good car from an original owner. Hang tough. Aloha
He may want you to go dig around in the glove box while he does something nefarious elsewhere in the car.