I *finally* received my Gen 5, and my only complaint so far is that the interior light is very cool white. not really relaxing at night. Is there any way to change the tone to a warmer color? Did other trims or colors have a warmer tone for it? I’m starting to understand why the teslas have customizable ambient lighting now..
By warmer, I assume you want it to be more "yellow"? I believe you have to change the bulbs. If they are the same and the Gen 4, the Map and dome lights are incandescent bulbs.
By warmer, I assume you want it to be more "yellow"? I believe you have to change the bulbs. If they are the same and the Gen 4, the Map and dome lights are incandescent bulbs.
You cannot change the color temperature of a single LED because it is an intrinsic quantum-mechanical property. You would need at least two so that you can superpose them. However, you can buy a yellow or blue film and cover the display with it to change the color temperature.
If you add CTO film.....you can warm it up abit without much light loss. I used Full CTO cut into custom pieces for all the interior of my Range Rover LED lights when I installed them. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjs04rj9N6BAxU-MdQBHVtKAW4YABARGgJvYQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwvfmoBhAwEiwAG2tqzHTrIgFyadbkbPaRNXTFevT5FCFVAWcR1RcAbNac253dE_OQPToNUhoCOTkQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2Y9Orrmkduh4R_C7Dq5RzByLkhh24beUlXMlN75Ne6YCrv4Ux-ToUhJSscYRNbCoRRwpFFSzEmzUlMLjGQcZfrGFcrkpB04KB_8jZE30el_L8Iqk1&sig=AOD64_1BIqOmgJih2GlIKgJcMQC97nrhtQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjtgf7i9N6BAxXdmGoFHRYPA4wQ0Qx6BAgKEAE Try one of these links.
of COURSE you can now days. You can go online or to any AutoZone type retailer and find plenty of listings. The color is referred to as Kelvin. 8,000K is a cool (blue) temperature whereas an LED bulb you're looking for is around 3,000k warm (yellow). We just finished re-lamping our motorhome's fridge, storage & closets' interior lights w/ LED's. Pull the lamp out and take it down to the auto supply and they can match it for you with the color you would like. Good luck! .