I made the mistake of waiting too long on my last car. * Full ceramic coating on all paint and wheels. * Back window tint to match the roof. Ceramic tint for heat * Full front PPF including side mirrors * Another set of wheels/tires for winter; 16" w 205/65/16 Blizzaks * Naked roof Cross Bars Probably done for the time being unless I dive into Japan YouTube vids. Lol
I posted it on the roof rack thead. I got it off Ebay. I couldn't justify spending $800-1000 for Thule or Yakima on just cross bars. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394666109655?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=web5ndpjszo&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=sRSOUkOWTli&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I did have to fiddle with it a bit to fit perfectly though.
Ah, sorry, I had seen that post, but hadn't put the username connection together. I'm on a waiting list for a Thule fit kit, but who knows if/when that'll come along! (But, I tend to carry some high-air-resistance items, like a roof-top box and windsurfing boards, so I'm inclined to try to keep holding out for a major name brand rack, if I can, but again, who knows when that might be...) Thanks!