OK, I give up. I went to the help section to find out about how to change my password, which suddenly doesn't work any more. I was directed to go to the "lost password link" on the log-in page. I couldn't find any such link. Perhaps I was on the wrong page, but the page I looked over was that which came up when I logged in (using my compter cookie). Without my password, I can't log in from any other computer. B
Bob, try this link: http://priuschat.com/change-password.html If that doesn't work, check out the attachment.
Tony, Tony ... you will never teach these young fellows to find their way around if you keep holding their hand.
It's the instructor in me. When my mom has a computer question, I create screen-capture swift files showing how to perform the needed procedure and mail them to her. Impromptu computer-based training.
It's the instructor in me. When my mom has a computer question, I create screen-capture swift files showing how to perform the needed procedure and mail them to her. Impromptu computer-based training. [/quote] Tony, Keep it up. My son does the same for me and it is a big help.