I was wondering if anyone has had any repairs done due to this code. I have heard the inverter pumps fail. trying to get more info. Thanks, Steve
DTC P3000, info code 123 is logged by the hybrid vehicle ECU and means the battery ECU is producing an abnormal signal indicating the traction battery is bad. Your car should also have logged DTC P3006 or P3009, which are produced by the traction battery ECU and will show whether the problem is a high voltage leak due to leaking electrolyte; or a bad battery module.
This would appear to be on a Prius registered in Calif. What does the odometer say? You may be within warranty coverage on the big battery. Also we need to know the veh. history especially the battery resealing. You may end up on the phone to Toyota on this one, which is a shame because right now they seem to be pretty busy fighting other fires. Please post updates.
I have a similar problem P3000-123 p3001 p3009 p3030 my battery has been replaced less than a year ago and the dealer wants $600 to diagnose the problem. im getting the run around and the battery is still under warranty. any suggestions?
P3000 does not indicate a failed traction battery. Take a look at the code description in the repair manual. What does it say? Not necessarily. See above.
DTC P3000 means that the hybrid vehicle ECU has received a signal from the traction battery ECU indicating a malfunction in the battery system. The malfunction could be the battery or it could be a related part. Hopefully the traction battery ECU will produce a code that narrows down the problem. I'd be interested to know what is the relative likelihood of a battery failure vs. the related parts such as the fuse, cooling system or power cable. My guess is that the battery failure is the most likely occurrence. This seems to be substantiated by the manual which lists the battery first on the trouble area list.
No, it doesn't. Again, the repair manual explains the meaning of the code. Although P3000 often accompanies HV battery issues, it can be set by issues unrelated to the battery pack assembly. The first item on the list is not necessarily the most likely cause of the code. It depends on the code.
Well, I attached the repair manual page that I am referring to in my post #6. Since you have different info perhaps you could do the same so that we can see your source.
Why are you having an argument about the original post in the thread that's five months old? P3000 is the HV ECU saying 'hey, there's a problem with the battery ECU'. You look at what the battery ECU is reporting to see what the problem actually is. P3009 is also reported by the HV ECU indicating a leak of high voltage to chassis ground. The high-voltage system is supposed to be completely isolated from the low-voltage system, using return cables rather than chassis return. In this particular case the battery ECU is reporting P3001 (Battery ECU malfunction), and P3030 (Battery voltage detective line snapped). I don't have access to the Gen 1 manual but I do have the Gen 2 manual. The equivalent code to P3001 seems to be P0A1F (Battery Energy Control Module) for which the diagnostic tree simply says 'Replace Battery ECU'. The diagnostics for P3009 say to check for other DTCs first; if P0A1F is reported it says to follow diagnostics for that first. Similarly, the diagnostics for P3030 say if you see P0A1F you replace the battery ECU. Champion ToyotaWorld lists the battery ECU at $1,032.32 MSRP, discount price $784.56. To get at the ECU it looks like you have to take the whole battery case out of the car, so it's about three hours labour to replace. I'd guess at a $1,500 bill.
I'm using the same repair information that you posted. Take a look at the first sentence of the code sheet. I think you'll find your answer there.
Try a different dealer to see if you can find one that is interested in the Prius. Some dealers consider them nuisances. When I bought my Prius in early 2001, many dealers thought that it was gussied up Echo. Prius service requires technicians that have special training that costs and a dealer may have to pay them more than the technicians for other cars (I don't know this for a fact). Anyway, if you are not getting good service from one dealer try someone else.
Hello everyone sorry to bring up this old thread now I have a Gen 2. 07 Prius with P3000 sub code 123 along with c1259 and c1310 with a failed shift lever position on the freeze data of c1310. I have a Maxicom MK 808 scan tool just not sure what my next steps or diag should be. Anyone deal with something similar or have advice? Thank you
This is the generation 1 (2001-02-03) forum. You'd do better to post this message in the Gen. 2 forum.