Has anyone else noticed the ads appear to be nearly 'soft core' porn? I understand ladies like to shop which is often the front line in the battle of the sexes. But some of these ads are close to the edge ... <UMMMM> distracting. Bob Wilson
I seem to be getting a lot of these too, and only on PriusChat. "You won't believe what happened with these sporting wardrobe malfunctions" and stuff. And "single older women in your area". And Temu adverts for things that look really quite kinky.
Yeah, actually, I get quite a few scam ads too. "You won't believe what [insert celebrity/billionaire] said when he thought the mic was turned off. Check it out to see how to make millions." That sort of thing.
Well. I get a fair number of what I would say are almost softcore porn ads, but all seem to be focused on heterosexual males. When are we getting Mendel, Bob, Bisco....and swoon.... Tideland ...in ... Or out... Of bathing apparel? And, in interest of fairness, I will admit that for a period of a few hours, back in 2010??? I actually changed my profile photo to something a bit more ...uh....well...a bit more...after a challenge from a forum member, but then I came to my senses. kris