I would like the car to be silent when locking and unlocking. Been googling for an hour and can’t find instructions. Does anyone here know how to do it?
I'd like that too... Never run across that as an option. But if someone knows how, this is the most likely place to find that person.
<striike>You can use Techstream to do it, and there are other obd2 options as well.</strike> I misread, my bad.
Maybe look in the I don't know how many page manuals posted up here for these vehicles three 400 600 who knows. I do know these things aren't in the owner's manual so but given there's so many computers in the car I would expect there to be all kinds of these fixes if you want to call them that where they were all published I have no idea. I would think by now most of this stuff would have been reverse engineered like the catalytic converter test that's run to set the PO420 code I would have thought we would have learned how to disable that test by now but apparently not so much.
AFAIK, the only way I know to change the lock beep options is to use an oe level scantool to access the "customize" menu. Tools like Techstream or the ThinkDiag app and device. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I’m surprised. Several other vehicles I have had would chirp the horn when locking/unlocking and you could disable it easily. There’s gotta be a user on this site that knows how to do it. Where are you?
There is, and you have already been given the information in several posts in this thread. See post #8. Remember this car was designed for the 2004 release and was considered a dealer--customizable option back then. So Techstream (or a pro-level tool) is how you do it. It is quick and easy to do with Techstream.
If there's another way to do it, no one has found it. Usually, the "chicken dance" manual procedures come from the repair manual and there is understandably no manual procedure there as this is not a mission-critical procedure.