I have read that there is some risk of criminals stealing your car or getting access to a locked car through some technical capture of RFID signals from the key fob. Is this a real issue to be concerned about? I have also read that although this as been a problem, the key fob technology has been somewhat advanced so that it is less of a concern, and in any case the car can't be driven without the actual key fob even if someone was to get it started. Curious if anyone here is knowledgeable on this issue, as it relates to 2023 Prius.
Recent techniques are known as RollBack, RollJam, and Rolling-PWN. None had success against Toyota vehicles. The technical threat to our cars is quite low, as a result, because off-the-shelf solutions aren't available to thieves. If you use proximity unlock rather than the radio transmission "clicker", the risk is reduced even further, since no replay attack against this mechanism has ever been demonstrated. I believe this feature is limited to certain trims (can someone advise?)
How easy is it? Everything you ever wanted to NOT know .... How a new car is stolen without the key in under five minutes | CarExpert .
Sure, a thief, locksmith, or dealer with access to the manufacturer database of keycodes can, of course, create a key. This is not related to fob signal interception.
Do you know if you press the lock and unlock button at the same time and hold, it will deactivate your remote? That way, if your car is close by, and your remote normally tries to 'talk' to your car, it won't be able to unless you're at the car opening it. Eliminates the possibility of having someone scan for your remote and take over access to your Prius. There's videos on this online through YouTube. I don't have to do this luckily, because my garage is about 1000 feet from my remote at night.
The appropriate action is to press the Lock button and then push the UNLOCK button twice. You should see the red LED in the corner of the fob flicker 4 times (2 sets of 2). Your fob will now be deactivated. To reactivate it, push the LOCK or UNLOCK button once. All these actions can occur whether you're near the car or many miles away.
So if you want to do this and keep your car locked, you just do this out of the range the fob would unlock the car?