I was looking online Rockauto and I could not find connecting rods, also for the future looking for a set pistons or rings? is all this going to be dealer only? I have heard alot about fake toyota parts on ebay amazon are these being faked as well? Best discount Toyota dealer to buy from? Thanks in advance
I'd check dealerships and Amayama. I've purchased a number of small items from the latter, apparently everything genuine. And even with shipping often much cheaper. They ship from Japan or UAE; if getting multiple items try to get from just one or the other, to avoid two shipping charges.
I wonder if connecting rods for all Tuesday engines or 2ZZ engines are the same not the Pistons the rods and if so then you have a wide range of selections I do believe I wouldn't think with Toyota they would be anything so to say gender-specific. And then the aftermarket they would be plentiful there's not a lot of room in there to get serious rods but I'm sure somebody makes a few options.
connecting rods from what I have read from the toyota corolla 2010ish model is the same but the pistons are not Thanks guys
Lewis Toyota and Serra Toyota generally have the lowest prices online. Currently ~$83 for each connecting rod. If you're willing to wait a little longer, Amayama will be cheaper if you get more than one rod.
The aftermarket probably has decent coverage for the two ZZ engine also like Carrillo and others I can't think of all the names.