I was all set to go buy a traditional scissors jack as part of my emergency kit... thought I'd check if the car used the traditional 'rail' approach... and then I see there are no lifting points on the sides, but mounts for floor jacks, front and rear! How are other folks addressing this? From my owners' manual:
There are side jack points for changing tyres where you'd expect. (According to the manual, not got under to have a look yet).
That actually looks like a reinforced zone, which is refreshing. Our 3rd gen designated places to use the scissor jack, ID’s the zones with small cut-outs at the ends of the zones, but as far as I can see provide no reinforcement of the proscribed zones, say an extra layer of plate, or a rolled-over edge.
They are definitely under there… having jacked the car up 2x already on quickjacks when i installed the catshield and did the first oil change. Just look under the car, you will see the reinforced sections of the rails.
The front/centre jacking point (per pic in post #1) is way back, per gen 4/2; that's one good thing about 3rd gen: that point is only about 15" in. The car does bow a bit as you lift there; I'll take it.
Thanks to all for the correction. there ARE jackpoints- just further from the edge of the car, and without the little 'cutouts' in the rail to draw attention to them.
For a comical counterpart, this is what you get on gen 3, a knife-edge, no extra plate. I never put safety stands there, worked out more sensible points.
From the manual. "The jack point guides are located under the rocker panel. They indicate the jack point positions." Took me a couple of looks and feels to find them but here is a short 2 second movie of what the jack point guides look like on the bottom edge of the rocker panel (little triangle).