Just wondering if there are any for tolls or other rebates. Or is everything just for the plug-in hybrid?
Afaik no, just the Prime. And you wont be able to drive in the HOV with the regular either. Sucks i am accepting an allocation of one anyway—because the markups and price of the Prime is way too high in NY, and considering the paltry Ny state PHEV rebates, it doesnt cancel out the markups. As you know, the COL is very high here in NY and our incomes are higher than the rest of the country—but the cutoffs exclude many of us who would really benefit from them. I’m above the cutoff but with the markups a Prime is too expensive for me, and a Tesla is also out of reach. So regular prius for me. it is very stupid tho. The EV incentives should be for everyone. If not, they should cut off the top 5% of households in each *county* rather than a standard number across the country. $150k in Nebraska is very different from $150k on Long Island or in NYC. Higher income folks in Blue areas are of course the demographic that has the most demand for EVs, tho, so I guess our policy makers decided it is no problem since we will be willing to swallow the extra cost and pay more as model green citizens. Well they can think again, I dont want to pay for a government handout to some hick in the bible belt, nor am I paying some two bit car salesman who barely graduated BOCES a markup for doing jack sht, just being lucky enough to receive a color or trim I want from toyota. No thanks. (soorry I was poltiically incorrect again guys…im beyond frustrated, probably should change my name to the angry prius rat at this point) But getting back to the original question, you can still park it in the parking spots marked “for fuel efficient vehicles” near whole foods or whatevr
less and less governmental agencies are giving incentives to phev's. most want a complete change to ev.
You should honestly look for a car out of Manhattan if you are in Long Island. Look towards upstate, NY. I got mine without any dealer markups and came across bunch in the area that sold without any markups.