My '08 has a nice little flip-down compartment above the rear view mirror, where I put my regular glasses when wearing sunglasses, and put my sunglasses at the end of a trip. I've not seen or heard any mention of such a compartment on the '23s in any of the endless revieows and videos I've been compulsively watching while waiting for my 23 LE to arrive. (Srsly, somebody needs to post more videos - I'm tiring of watching the same ones over and over... ) Does anyone know if there is such a glasses compartment, particularly on the LE?
There isn't one. When I'm not wearing them I place my sunglasses on the tray that's under the AC controls. I added a piece of black non-skid foam (aka shelf liner) so they can't slide around. I keep my regular glasses, which I only need when driving at night, in the "hidden compartment" underneath and I've also added some non-skid foam down there. The other thing I keep down there is an old hard case for glasses in which I keep loose change.
2023 SE here, I don't think there's a dedicated place to store your glasses on the gen 5's. I store mine in the #hiddencompartment. (Yes, it felt strange writing it out like that). Items in that compartment tend to slide around a bit so I don't store any other hard objects to risk scratching/damaging my glasses. I'd imagine you could put your glasses in a case, then put it in that compartment to avoid any damage to your glasses.
Ok, sounds like #hiddencompartment becomes #glassescompartment, though I've always got a small collection of loose things in my car (change for parking meters, nail clips, the occasional small bike part or screw, etc) - the hidden compartment would seem to be the ideal place to contain that loose stuff. I'm excited beyond description about the new Prius, but a tiny bit bummed that it seems a number of pretty basic interior features have been left ouf of the latest generation.
How thick is the hidden compartment lid? I'm contemplating gluing a wireless charging puck to the underside of the compartment lid (routing the cord through the hinge area), and have my phone charge while sitting on the lid. I've been able to do similar through up to 4mm plastic before - the challenge is generally getting the phone to stay in the right spot, as the magnetic hold at that distance is significantly weakened.
It's not all that thick but you would need to drill a hole. Also the bottom of the lid is not a smooth surface. Another, perhaps better, alternative is to simply use the slot designed for a phone. Although the one in the LE doesn't have a built-in wireless charger, there are two charging ports inside the console and there is a built in gap that's designed for a cable to be routed to the phone slot with the console lid closed. The car came with a packet of cables too.
these are pretty cool ref=asc_df_B0BD4Y88QW Car-Glasses-Case-Sun-Visor-Storage-Sunglasses-Holder-Car-Interior-Accessory-p-17566672-cat-4185.html
One of my cars (either my original 2010 Prius, or our Subaru) explicitly called out to not put glasses in that compartment, as they could be damaged by summer heat. While they did call it some form of storage compartment, "glasses" was not part of the name.
Like many others, I store my sungalleses in the hidden compartment. Also in there are extra cables for charging devies other than my phone. As another poster mentioned, I do not use the built-in QI charger because it seems to generate too much heat andin prone to shutdown when used. Instead, I run a cable from one on the console box ports along a groove on top of the console to a phone in the console slot. I use a black cable so that it is not too visible.
@bisco You must have seen my recent post of this very item. Im very happy with the purchase and install is easy and it makes use of space from something I do not use.
@bisco @AzusaPrius - Yes, I'd seem some similar items on Amazon, and can go that route if needed - just seemed like it'd be kinda bulky, and figured it'd probably limit the range of the visor when flipped up. (There are some soft cases that attach to the visor that might prove less bulky. Ah well, not thrilled w/ the answer (ie, sure wish there was something built-in), but small problem overall.