Found this neat little addition to keep my glasses in one place and it was under $20 Looks OEM in the location of the handle.
Right above your head, you know that handle you grab when you are scared. You can find them on ebay or amazon.
Looking through eBay and it shows that you have to remove the rubber liner. Did you have to do that or were you able to install without doing so?
Seems like a diminishing requirement though; there is one, below the map lights. And that passenger side grab handle is the missus' "oh shyt handle"...
Personally have no use for those handles. Useless. The one below the map lights is shallow. Also useless other than maybe holding small reading glasses.
Did you use the oem metal clips and oem caps to re-install the sunglass holder? Or did you have to use the hardware it came with?
Thank you. Greatly appreciated. I purchased this one ☝️ and I had to return it. Wasn’t working out for me:
I grab one really fast, when I see one of my wife's reckless driving stunts coming! I also grab mine while driving a long ways, to give my arm a different position. Sometimes it just feels good,