I took my car in because my catalytic converter was stolen. I told dealership service advisor to check everything, as I was advised by sheriffs deputies who took report, as well as others. I was advised by the sheriffs deputies, and others, that other things could have been damaged during the theft. So, that was specifically part of my request. While I was warned by everyone that catalytic converters were on back order (3 months to a year), they called me to pick up my car a few days under 3 months mark. After paying, they couldn’t find my car. They were running around looking for it which made me believe it had been repaired days+ before. Long story short, the console said “key not detected” and when making a call, my car Bluetooth didn’t kick-in, but my iPhone Bluetooth did, however I heard nothing. The service advisor tried to pair it, but he couldn’t do it. My question—what is wrong with my Bluetooth? Could my Bluetooth have been damaged during the theft? Could it be that I need to reset my iPhone? Could it have been damaged because my car was sitting for 3 months? Or…? The service advisor said some part (I don’t know the name) needed to be replaced costing $1900+ and it would be my responsibility even though it worked the day before the theft. Final question: whose responsibility is it to fix?
Highly doubt a cat theft would ruin your bluetooth connection. You can try to disconnect the 12v for 10 minutes to see if that will do anything. You can also try to reset all the settings in the menu of the unit and see if that works.
AND you should check your 12 V battery. If they just let it sit for 3 months, it could be on it's last legs. Then.....you need to "reset" everything associated with the bluetooth after you get a new battery. If there is a "factory reset" on the radio head unit, you should do that. And remove that device from the phone and re-pair it. How old is your phone ?
I have 2013 Prius- GPS, Bluetooth, phone-All worked fine. 1-month ago, suddenly blue tooth and phone stopped- unable to pair the phone. I am using same Iphone since 2021. I have changed the 12v-battery in March/2023- no issues. I checked with the dealer, estimates- costs $1000+. Is there a way to reset all infotainment, including reset? Appreciate any suggestions.
Before you panic, find a different phone that you can borrow to test with. Phones get "updates" regularly, some even silently. I think the odds are that the phone is the culprit and not the car.