Hey all, I'm not a Prius owner yet but will be in the near future, and going forward, I suspect ill be on here a lot lol Currently I am driving a 2011 Mitsubishi Eclipse which has served me very well! and although its about to hit 300K, its still runs amazing! I even still get comments on it the odd time (attached is a photo). However I felt it was time for something more efficient, so back in October 2022 I ordered a Prius Prime in Maximum Yellow, they tell me it will be a 2024. Actually back then I ordered based on the 2022 model but had a great feeling about the Gen5, and well, it blew my expectations away lol Although there is a Toyota near me, I ordered this from the Halifax Toyota 4 hours away. Felt that ordering from this Toyota in the city would get me it quicker. Things are going very slow though, they wont even look into an ETA til it hits a full year since order. Any other Prius prime owners in Canada that are either waiting or got yours? How long was it or has it been? I'm debating on buying winter rims and tires beforehand, not sure if Ill get a deal through Toyota. Although the Eclipse is good on gas, its still costing me $500 a month on avg, can't wait for the Prius and the money it'll save me. I have a very nice down payment saved for the Prius, plus 8K rebate, I wont owe much and went with the top trim!
Welcome aboard ! I'm shure you will be delighted with your new car ...when it arrives as for winter rims and tires ...it is actually a work in progress ...alot of info from members on PC I pull the trigger back in nov 2021 for a prime gen 4....and still very glad with the car . For my usage I can report after 17000 KM using 1.5 l/100km as for this weekend i see the forecast of very bad weather in your region.Hope your safe
Thanks Louis.... that's impressive mileage!! I checked PMCTire based out of Quebec, they list the 2024 Prius and I was able to select the attached, total would be 2K but some very nice winter wheels and tires come studded, ready to install with lugs, TPMS and that. We do have weather coming, but I don't believe it'll be to bad... but will be hunkering down with chips and storm beers this weekend haha
If you're new to owning a hybrid vehicle, I suggest you watch the excellent videos on YouTube by "The Car Care Nut" guy. He's a master Toyota technician and runs through everything from quirks of hybrids (like strange noises) to maintenance. Then, when you get it, read that owner's manual from front to back. (It's huge.) Concerning snow tires, that depends on how much you normally get and how good your local folks are at plowing the roads. The cars are fine with all-season tires but not if there's any large amount over about 5 inches....can high-center the car and you lose traction. Hopefully you are getting the AWD version...mine's excellent on the snow and ice.
Very good suggestions , by the way the OP is seeking for a Prime version , so no AWD , I think he will go for snow tires living in Nova Scotia If I may add prof John Kelley fromWeber Utah Automotive University is an excellent source for someone going to migrate from a gasser to Phev
Correct, no AWD and feel studded tires are a must in my area. Currently PMCTire has 25% off with promo code PMCTIRE25 ... didn't pull the trigger on buying yet but thinking I should. Definitely very excited to move from as gasser to a PHEV, have done lots of research to date, but could use some more, so I will check out those recommendations, thanks! I do have a 2023 RAV4 Hybrid which we ordered March 2022 and got in March 2023, and I've learned alot from driving that, so I somewhat know what to expect. Thanks everyone!