I was in a car accident and my car was hit on the wheel. My car does not pull or veer goes straight for a at least a quarter mile depending on the road. But the steering wheel is centered to the left about four inches. I seen a video where you can just pull it out and re-center it. Any thoughts on just doing this or is there more to it.
Ok thanks. how you like the venza and is the MPG as good as they say/how is the maintenance reliability factor?
I would agree with getting the alignment checked first but is the straight ahead position cocked 4 in over to the left or whatever side you said? If so if you get out and look at the car and everything looks straight Yes you could undo the 19mm nut and re-center the steering wheel if that makes you happy but I bet once you go and get an alignment correctly it is then going to be off again maybe not 4 in but some so be prepared to move it again if you're just going to go on the fact that everything straight goes straight for a quarter mile an alignments not needed. When you discover tire wear becomes excessive then you go to get that alignment and stuff is in the red then the steering wheel will probably be moved off center by the alignment guy or possibly not if he can center the steering wheel with the lockdown device and puts it up in the air and has enough room to bring that 4 in straight okay but then he may be to the limit in one way of travel on your suspension parts and generally you're shooting to be in the middle of the threads say of the tie rods or what have you You don't want to be at the extreme inner or outer end of travel.
I use the Autel AT200 OBDII BT dongle, and it's accompanying app available to my android device from the Google play store for my '05 2nd gen. Prius. Within the AT200 app are a set of a available manufacture specific maintenance functions. One of those options is a SAS (steering angle sensor) recalibration. From my experience, recalibrating "zero point" is done by interfacing with the vehicles ECU's via a scan tool, finding and selecting this maintenance option, proceed through the various prompts, and simply reposition the steering wheel to what will be its updated zero point, confirm, and allow a moment for the car to lock in this updated parameter.