Hello all, new here. Just purchased a 2012 Prius V Five that needs a brake accumulator and was surprised by a blown headgasket. Decided to tackle the headgasket first and i just buttoned everything up today. However when going over all the notes, i realized i missed a place that i was supposed to put rtv on the timing cover. I placed all the edges of the cover, but i missed the one mating face next to the O-rings in the attached picture. Does anyone know the purpose of it and if it could pose any issues having missed sealing it? I havent fired up the engine yet, but do i have to tear apart the timing cover again just to reaseal? Can someone shed some light whether im in the safe zone or if i should not start this engine without sealing it (requiring me to redo a lot of work). Thanks!
Sorry, I just noticed I placed this thread in the wrong sub-forum. Mods if you can please move to the Gen 3 section