I am about to replace the valve cover gasket, has anyone fitted the OEM part recently? I've heard stories that they don't fit very well, though this doesn't seem to make sense, if that's the case has anyone any experience of Ajusa gaskets i.e. are they any good? Failing that, I'd appreciate recommendations for other suitable quality aftermarket gasket manufacturers (available in the UK). One more thing, (admittedly I haven't had a detailed look at the procedure in the workshop manual yet) is there a correct sequence for tightening the cover bolts when re-fitting? It seems like there ought to be.
I did one of these once... Pretty sure it was aftermarket... Very easy job... I suspect the art of making higher than OEM quality aftermarket valve cover gaskets was perfected long ago. But as always, a close side by side visual inspection of both options is the smartest way to go.
I buy the blue fell pro silicone rubber things and there's no real order to tightening the valve cover bolts back down just crisscrossed them and go to it nothing's going to be too out of whack that's for sure Very easy job Not much to worry with.
Welcome to PriusChat!! Never heard that story (link?), but I'm not aware of that brand over here. Otherwise, a gasket is a gasket and they don't cost all that much. Though not a "Pro", I've done different valve covers before, all of the the "books" said to tighten from the "middle" out, in a criss cross fashion. FYI : you're moderated until you've posted 5 times.
Great, thanks I’ll use this method building to torque spec. Thanks to everyone who replied re the aftermarket gasket issue. I’ve gone ahead and ordered the Ajusa as it definitely comes with replacement gaskets for the centre bolts, is manufactured in Spain and most importantly…doesn’t come from China! I’m also gonna add a dab of gasket maker sealant where the timing chain case meets the main body at front and back as this seems to be a good idea.
This is great, thank-you so much for posting this excellent resource - it'll help me out a great deal, and even has torque specs for the coil pack bolts (I always prefer to tighten nuts and bolts precisely) which is a bonus. The Haynes Repair Manual I have does not include a specific sequence however having one, I would say, increases the likelihood of success for this job.
This guy had a bit of trouble with his Toyota gasket (he goes on about it for about a minute 13.25-14.25ish):
Those are relatively insignificant locator bolts, solely to keep the coils from coming loose. I think I’d just one-hand torque with your hand on the centroid of the ratchet wrench, like using a t-handle wrench, snug them using common sense. keep in mind those torque values are INCH pounds, 1/12 of foot pounds. If you torque those to that number in foot pounds youve over torqued 12 fold. more than one report here, DIY’rs snapping the heads off those bolts. Then the fun starts.
I hear ya - that’s what I’m afraid of, over-tightening. I always use the Nm units, partly because the car is metric spec but mostly because I’m simply more familiar with this measure. If I don’t have the Newton metre value I tend to use the Converter app to change it just so I’ve got a fair idea of what kind of force to expect.