The 19” tires are either Michelin or Toyo. What might be the percentage breakdown of each brand coming in as original equipment? Is one brand preferred…and why? I looked both brands up on Tire Rack for Prius Limited…if you were to order them, there’s a huge price difference. Clearly, the Toyo brand is the better deal. This might be especially true as there’s zero availability on the Michelin.
Thanks for posting this! I'm curious as to the breakdown and also if there's any correlation on which cars (or trim levels, primes, etc.) receive which tires? Do all Prime's come with Michelin tires? Or Limited trims? Or is it simply random due to availability on any given day on the assembly line? I have a XLE with Michelin's. Build date 6/23
That's the first time I've seen Michelin on a Prius as OE. Michelin is typically the highest-rated tire in the world. I really like the OE Dunlop on mine—handles like a charm and excellent fuel economy. I didn't like the OE Toyo on my previous one. Nevertheless, all will work.
Mine came with the Toyos. Not a fan. When I switch over to 17 inch this winter, going with Michelin X-Ice and then probably Michelin Defender 2.
My XLE (picked up April 18th) came with Toyos. Not bad but noisy on rough surfaces. Seem to handle well. My local dealers can get either Toyo or Michelin same day if needed. I'll be getting Michelins next even though $100/tire more. I've heard a few say not to expect more than about 25K-30K miles from the Toyos. We'll see....
The build date (month/year) is on the upper right corner of the black tag/bar code in the driver door jam...
Prius Limited…just had it delivered. Michelin 19”. July build. Surprisingly smooth and very quiet. Icy cold A/C here in So. Ca Desert (110 degrees). I was within an inch of the Prime SE…Went with non Prime as I didn’t want to be in the mix of owners waiting for a possible fix of the well documented charge issue. Supposedly heat sensitive…which would make my car high up on the list.