My gen 5 has been stuck in build phase for a strangely long time. Dealer has nothing to say as for why. I heard there is a drought near the Panama canal which is causing shipping delays, and companies are paying extra to have their barges go through first. Could this be the cause of the delay? Do priuses ship to states like NY through the Panama canal? Would it be too expensive for toyota to truck them across the country instead? Might Toyota delay shipping priuses until the canal clears up?
strange, i thought the water came from the seas: panama-canal-traffic-backup yes, east coast ships from through the canal from the west. it's either that, or sale around south america i can't imagine what cross country trucking would cost, plus unloading more ships with what, 5,000 cars each or so? logistical nightmare at ports that have been suffering for years with covid. is it possible that the factory is just backed up? i have a bolt on order that won't arrive until late this year.
I posted this in another thread, but will post here since it’s relevant. Just to give everyone a rough idea on delivery and shipping times for already allocated Primes (USA anyways). My Prime was Built 7-20-2023, Departed from Japan on 7-31-2023, and arrived at port (what port I don’t know, anyone know?) on 8-28-2023. Edit: I just got a message from the dealership as I was typing this that my car will be at the dealer September 10 give or take a few days so earlier than expected which is awesome. Although I might not be able to get up there till the 15th that gives them time to get it detailed and ready for me. Edit: For reference the last 4 of my Primes VIN are in the very high 7300’s…
I'm 68XX and it still hasn't reached my dealership here in Canada, no news on where it is, estimated date was August 30th...