Sat in one around 2007 - but if memory serves they began jerking people around some years earlier. It's the ride of the future & always will be. Not much longer until they can get an award for beating this dead horse for 2 decades. Congratulations are in order. .
With the motors being in the front wheels themselves, I hope they have anchors to hold them to the car like F1 do, otherwise these bad boys can be real deadly to bystanders if they ever detach from the car in an accident.
Absolutely, assuming they can deliver on their claims. I put down a refundable 100 dollar deposit on this on 7/24/21. I think it is a long shot, but I'm willing to risk that much. It would be nice to drive a car that is more than twice as efficient as any EV on the market. If they ever start mass producing this vehicle, I would complete my order and take delivery only if: (1) They crash test a production vehicle as promised and the results are comparable to a subcompact car in terms of safety. (2) I see some real-world data from earlier owners on reliability, especially related to the skin cooling technology.
Man that video brings back memories of the mid-2000s when this was floated out there as the car we could drive if everyone was a single and nobody owned a truck or SUV that would smear us all over the pavement in an accident (which has only grown worse in the past almost 20 years). The company hoped that they hoped would attract investment money and wasn't really intended to be a production vehicle. I'm sort of glad to see they've found some people to put some money into resurrecting this, as I love the fantasy. Even back when it first came out I thought it was the perfect vehicle that a fleeing Michael York with Jenny Agutter in tow would have used to flee Robert Jordan chasing him down in his own Aptera - with slightly different markings to tell them apart of course (you'll have to watch the mid-70s movie Logan's Run). I still see that scene I concocted in my head when I see this updated concept car. I can also see some people buying and driving something like this because they are really committed and want to show everyone else just how committed they are & that it can be done if we could just make the necessary sacrifices. And more power to them. I'm a fan of people trying to push the envelope.
I'm considering one. A large portion of households have more than one car in the US. There simply isn't any need for those personal fleets to be made up entirely of 'do it all' cars.
If I hit the lottery, sure. For now, I'm happy with what I have. Well actually, if I hit the lottery, I'm buying a Celestiq. Cadillac CELESTIQ | Ultra-Luxury Electric Vehicle | Model Overview
i can picture myself parked on the side of a street and another car removing the outside front wheel as it goes by
It would probably suck if you live by a park that's full of birds. You would have to keep a bucket of water and a squeegee handy.