Wife and I have been putting a lot of long trip miles on our Prius in the past 10 years, 5 years ago had to put a new 12v battery in, since then twice a year i have to take the battery out and the Negative wire out and soke them in Coke and scrub them with a wire brush. I have no idea what's making the Negative Terminal do this? last time i cleaned them was last May and it was caked on thick!!! WHY??? Well crap i thought i had a pic of the May cleaning. I looked today to see if i need to clean it yep, I'll clean it next month.
did you coat it in petroleum jelly or commercial battery terminal spray after cleaning? haven't heard of the coke method, maybe try this: search
No, Didnt do that, but thanks to you I will next time. are you really serious? You never heard of pouring coke on a crusty battery terminal??? they’ve been doing that since cars have been made. Works like a charm.
that’s the absolutely best battery on the market. I’ve been using them for years in my Land Cruiser, very durable in our harsh southern Nevada climate. But I will take your advice and on changing the ground wire. But there’s nothing wrong with the battery.
You should actually have that battery tested. It’s free at most auto parts stores battery manufacturing quality has gone down the toilet in recent years.
I’m more concerned why this is happening. over the years I’ve installed XM and multiple USB ports in the front and back, if they were pulling too much juice it would be blowing fuses which it’s not.
Even the absolute best product on the market has a few bad apples escape out into the market once in a while. That battery you have in there absolutely DOES have a problem with acid fumes escaping from the case somewhere. Where else or how else do you think that corrosion is happening ?? On one of your pictures, it looks like other parts nearby might be showing signs of corrosion too......or that might just be something else. And finally......Coke is acid. Battery acid is acid too. One will not neutralize the other. IF......you aren't going to try to learn something from the replies, why did you ask in the first place ?????
Well, I found out yesterday AFTER cleaning the negative terminal that the battery has been spitting hydrogen for God knows how long. And it was basically my fault, what was happening was I would push down the battery caring strap to attach the negative wire which in turn on the other side popped out the hydrogen discharge tube. The tubes probably been out from day one I got that battery!!! easy fixed, I took the battery out, and the battery tray, clean the whole area around there then lubed it. put it all back together and before I after putting the battery back i took the strap off, so no more hydrogen discharge tube popping out. And if you notice the picture that I posted originally the tube is out I just noticed that today. WHAT GETS ME, NO-BODY ELSE HERE DID EITHER!!
Is that an AGM battery? I don't believe that "should" have with an AGM battery. Only a led acid battery. Kinda hard to tell from that photo.
I think a load test at an auto parts store was being suggested. Batteries can have nominal or surface voltage of 13.1 but not be anywhere near that under load.
Well......either it does NOT have an AGM or the charging system is running WAY too high a voltage. On an AGM battery what should come out that tube is: NOTHING during normal use. With a conventional wet cell battery, there might be some hydrogen, some oxygen and some battery acid fumes. The H and O are not a problem. The acid fumes ARE. So it appears that he has a conventional wet cell battery with only one vent instead of each cell being individually vented. NOTE: In most consumer applications, there is no good reason NOT to use an AGM for a replacement. They are superior to wet-cells for several reasons. Just one of them is never seeing corrosion from discharged acid fumes.
I’d replace battery right away. Throw in Toyota AGM or equivalent Yuasa. In my opinion Optima is just about compelling marketing. First time i heard about them was somebody saying that ambulances use them;-)
@LARRYG36- I was busy looking at your negative terminal… It looks like the battery is being overcharged so acid is seeping out the - terminal. And yes bases neutralize acids (hopefully you use a mild base), but like dissolves like, which is probably why acidic soda works on the dried up crud seen there…
The negative battery post leaks - it isn't sealed to the case. AGM batteries don't really vent unless something is wrong. (If it was the vent, then the positive clamp right near it would look like garbage, but it doesn't) Replace that battery and the negative cable. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.