was in an accident Friday the 25th,,,,the whole left side of car needs to be repaired most damage to the drivers door...my concern are the sensors and computer stuff inside the vehicle....a private collision service said their diagnostic machine can do the job i'm concerned that their machine wont do as good a job as the one at my dealership....does Toyota sell their diagnostic info to 3rd parties or is it kept in house because of the technology they use and they don't want it to get out ?
toyotas tech stream software is available to private concerns, even us. just make sure they have it. is it an insurance approved repair facility?
try to work closely with your insco to make sure they do it right, and use oem parts if your policy allows it.
i talked to the allstate adjuster this morning ....the guy hit me making a left turn at a green light as i was going straight ...should be cut and dry who's at fault especially when he told the officer that he didn't see me and i was only going about 12 mph...
oh....can i take it to Toyota or i have to take back to the private repair service that did the work...good question , will ask adjuster .
Get some tape and tape up those wires so the un-insulated parts aren't touching each other, or you could short out something in the vehicle. As long as that didn't happen and airbags didn't deploy, there isn't going to be a need to diagnose/fix anything with computers. And if you want to fix this car and pocket the insurance check, you could find a fender and door with side mirror at a wrecking yard in the $100 range and it's a very easy nuts and bolts job.