In the first post the answer was definitive. Bad battery. First post again, the car was driven far enough to ensure a full charge and three days later it could not Ready a Prius. The only thing that could have aggravated a weak off brand battery is an excessive parasitic draw. But no effort to get that test run. Good enough for me. It needs a battery. That is a given. Do yourself a favor and get a quality unit like the Toyota oem.
You’re in Southern California, not Venice, Italy! But then again does it get cold in Venice, Italy? This has been a no brainer in our v, mine has a built in emergency backup but never needed it. Still running strong: I’m in Love, With Our New 12V Battery! | PriusChat
Thanks for your reply , definitely will not buy from Batteries plus , it's not even a year . It seems the battery does not hold the charge and I wanted to make sure there is nothing wrong with the charging system
i keep mine on a $30. noco maintainer when i'm not going to be driving much. and if there were a parasitic drain and i didn't want to deal with it, it would solve that issue as well.
Good choice. I've used them for decades. They are what Tampa Hybrids use for overnight when inventory cars come back from detailing.
yes, THIS - rotating through them so they each get a full charge once a month (whether they need it or not is perfect. It can take hours to get a battery happy with a full charge. Most driving patterns just don't attain this, even if you believe the DC-DC inverter can get it there. Another option is a small (7-10 watt) solar panel. It wouldn't even need a charge controller.
"Another option is a small (7-10 watt) solar panel" that is perfect , where would you get these type of panels ?