I have a 2000w Power Inverter hooked up to my Prius 12v battery, +++During our last Hurricane, I ran a ''full size fridge'' 4 box fans a Laptop Computer and some LED lights =For 4 days ''NO ISSUES'' ***My installation was very similar to this one= https://invertersrus.com/prius-power-inverter/
I know this will change but it's been quiet enough so far this year. I have a dual-fuel genset that I've used for the last few years. I'm hoping that if I limit it to propane that it will be there when I need it. G2s are a good 1.5kw generator if you have one.
12kw kohler propane gen and two 100 gallon tanks that i make sure are 'full' when there's a storm warning. after losing the a/c sunday at 97f, i wouldn't be without it
You have 200 gallons of Propane to power your generator? Does that mean you're one of those crazy preppers who's got an entire bunker full of food in long term storage that is mostly spoiled? I've read about children of parents who were preppers who died of old age. The amount of work it takes to clean that level of hoarding up is not a nice thing to leave behind for your kids.
@ 200 gallons of propane: Normally I'd say you're good to go for weeks with that kind of bunkerage, but a 12kw genset?! DAYUM! I would think that Bastan would have run gas out to you, but the advantage of propane is that you can control how much you have on hand. My setup only needs about 50 gallons for weeks, but then we have swirlies a little more often than you do. Make sure you do the PMs on your generator. I had no fewer than three friends with fancy smancy whole house generators last year who had to throw stuff out with the automatic bus transfer......didn't. @ Preppers: Food spoilage is what happens to people who don't know how to do it right. LDS folks with 1840's tech have been preppers for almost 200 years, and with things like mylar bags, O2 absorbers, and a little planning there's nothing to prevent folks from being their own 'first responders.' or at least having a week or two of food in reserve for hard times. If you live with 17,999,999 of your closest friends in three coastal counties, then "3 days, 3 ways" is just as moronic as a basement full of spoiled beans and rice.
i wish we had gas, but not in this town. and unfortunately, you can only use about 80% of the tank, kinda like a prius battery, idk why. not sure how long it would last, partly depends on the load on the generator which fluctuates. if it's a potential long outage, i shut it off before bed and start it in the morning. we also have two gas fireplaces and the dryer on it. we're on a well, so it's great for water, heat and hot water, just not big enough for a/c.
propane-tank-sizes probably the 120 gallon or 420 lb size that holds 96 gallons. i didn't know they used both nomenclatures